Building Lego

You will have fun :+1:

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That is stunning.

I started building the Playmobil with my nephews when they were about 4 and moved on to doing Lego with my son and daughter when they came along and it is a fantastic way to bond and to teach/learn/problem solve.


Thanks for sharing. I have just asked my wife if she already has bought a Christmas present for me :grinning:


Apparently one in six people have started buying for Christmas .

I thought a Yellow Submarine would be fun to assemble over Christmas -£200 at Amazon …

Gosh, it wasn’t that price when I bought mine.

Over on Pink Fish there’s a “Lego for Investment” thread. Interesting. Folks are buying two…one to make, one for investment - the return seems pretty good for an unopened “retired” box.

I fail to make any money there though, cos I only buy one….and build it! :laughing:

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I’ve dropped unsubtle hints for the “Rivendell” set……but so has daughter#1!

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I was flummoxed by how much , went onto the Lego site and it had been £35 and is retired , my guess is that it’s a collector’s item

Quite. Once a set is retired, the prices shoot up (provided that the box is intact).

Another thing is that many of the themed sets (Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc) come with mini-figures. Folks on eBay are selling sets without the mini figures because they can get £10-15 for each mini-figure. Indeed, I’ve seen some mini-figures going for substantial sums……£200 for Star Wars’ Ahsoka Tano (second variant)……………….

Can’t Beat a bit of the fab 4 and in Lego too! what’s not too like


Oh yeah!

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The Names Bond, James Bond.

Lego is more that a children’s toy, its a great creative tool, and it doesn’t matter if you’re 3 or 103.


Why has he got a towel on his head?

Nice car though.



Another Fab Four sitting in my camera cabinet


That’s fantastic

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Just arrived, some fun ahead


Hey! Where did You buy it? :slight_smile:
I want!!

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Direct from Lego themselves :grinning:

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Ghostbusters set from a few years ago


Lovely Nick!

The kids came home for a few days last week and built this:

A fully motorised Volvo wheeled loader. Lego seems to have moved on a bit since we were kids!

Best regards, BF