Buzzing PS555

Thank you, James. I have not tried the power-line on the other components yet, But will do later today. Regarding the service…its schedule to be done this year.

It’s not unknown for screw connections to loosen over the years, is everything tight in your powerline?
I had one where the fuse holder wasn’t gripping the fuse at one end, easily adjusted by my dealer (or me if it hadn’t been new at the time)?
I’m not sure I’d put it past Naim to have torque specified for the cable clamp screws? @Richard.Dane

I’d would have thought so.

It is a bit odd though if the buzz is just happening when the Powerline is connected. Are you sure the Powerline is in all the way? If not, you gat a poor contact and arcing which probably could cause a buzz.

What do you miss about CD vs. NDS Dan?

I have trouble with buzzing PS. And I always worry that my Powerlines aren’t fully in. I always push them in as hard as I dare but there’s never a positive click or anything like that

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I’ve had the CDS2 and CDS3 at same time as NDS. They don’t sound perhaps as good as thw NDS. I miss the act of playing CDs and having an extra 2 boxes on the rack with CD and power aupply. They are like friends and I miss them! Having said that it makes most sense to keep the NDS over them. When funds become preaent I may indulge myself in a CD player again. If you keep coming back to something it is a sign that it is right perhaps!


I played a CD transport into my NDS DAC and compared the same album with Tidal.

I preferred the CD transport.

Not enough to justify going back to CD though. Although I know what you mean about the enjoyment of using discs.

I am comtemplating a CD transport as well. What one did you use?

I know exactly what you mean. I once had my 555 refuse to fire up. After much sweating over how hard to push I failed and was convinced the unit was faulty. My long suffering dealer came around and to my horror pushed a tiny bit more and it was sorted…. Embarrassed didn’t quite cover it lol!

There is but possibly not what you think :rofl::sweat_smile:

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One of these in transport mode. I think a transport is all you need with that wonderful NDS DAC. I tried the CD player straight into the pre amp but the NDS DAC was on a whole different level as it should be! I think you’d have to spend an awful lot of money on a CD player to better it


The 555ps is buzzing because of taking pleasure. Don’t whip it, it will buzz more.

Careful around here @frenchrooster !!
You will be called frenchcapon (there must be more than one joke in that :rofl:) otherwise :wink:

Chapon ? Al chapon ? ( Al Capone)

To help the OP, I wonder if a DC blocker was already mentioned. It can stop the ps buzzing I think to remember.

I have 4 Powerlines, and not one of them ever clicks when I connect it. They were all bought used, so I suppose it’s conceivable that they loosen with age although they all appear to be in excellent condition.

The CD sounded just right compared to what Im hearing from the NDS. Admittedly, I’ve just started on the streaming game, therefore I think I will need to optimise the NDS before I can make a valid comparison.

I remember preferring the XPS2 on the CD compared to the 555.

It is.

Yesterday I tried the power-line on both the 552 and 500…no buzz, just a slight hum. So I can assume there’s nothing wrong with the PL.

Now this has got me thinking…I always prefered the XPS 2 over the 555 running the CDS3. Is it possible there could be something wrong with the 555?