Cable Undressing

@NigelB It could of course show far too much knowledge of your system to know that there is discarded cabling. Also, pointing out reasons to be given points is bad form! :sunglasses:

I am enjoying this thread! :joy:


Easy to spot discarded cabling by all the plugs flying free.

No knowledge needed, just pure laziness leaving them tangled within the rest of the spaghetti.

Points please!

…in this thread, bad form is actually the new good form…

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Fair point!

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Here’s my submission. Note my coiled KS-1 speaker cable. I just have a Nova so the rest of the cabling is for other “stuff”. All hidden in the corner behind the TV.


OK, I concede!

The labelling counts against you…it makes it too easy to rectify the chaos.

I feared as much. Still, it’s not about the winning but the taking part. :rofl:

You could have said ‘I have used incorrect labelling, does this get even more points?’.

Yeah, but what a tidy mess some of these rigs are!!

What are those gray roofing parts made of? And what is the purpose?


Not sure which bits you mean?

Fck me thats a true clusterfck…brilliant.


Applying the Mornington Crescent rules - when spaghetti junction is in spoon - your move to Hyde Park Corner earns you a bonus: You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect £10.


It’s what corners are for.



Those cat 6 or whatever cables look a bit organised. Otherwise close to full points.

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I would say that in terms of mess and disorder with cables I can have my say :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Too organised, too hidden, too neat, and is that a diffusion panel on the wall!

The result from the Chesham jury - ‘nul points’ (said in a French accent).

Must try harder Fcodamo.

Yeah, too neat. Get out of this thread. You don’t belong. :joy: