Cableoholic,..Or,.What's Going On..?

:small_blue_diamond:Innocent_Bystander,…I have to tell you a secret :wink:.

Every single word that I have written on this,.and the old forum I have written and put in from my phone,…Also all images.

:black_small_square:Offence,.absolutely no problem,.as we say in Sweden…“I’m not made of sugar” :sunglasses:.
So no problem,.but I’ve noticed that some are pretty conservative.

A much bigger problem is,.I think,…that many lack understanding to divide what they write in “paragraphs”.
It will be a “wall of words”.

This is incredibly heavy to read.
Often dryers I do not read through such a post if it is far.
Then as you say,…and I too,we don’t know what @seven mean by his image.

But now I think we’ve spent a lot of time, thinking of @seven and his picture :wink:.
Back to topic.


For me Seven wanted just to say that a cable is just a cable. No more.
But i don’t agree, it’s another matter.

:small_blue_diamond:Frenchrooster,…In Sweden,.those who live in the southern part of the country,.sometimes joking.
And say that we in the northern part are reticent,and do not say much.

But I definitely believe,that we are saying more than @seven anyway :grin:.
This was my last post about our “dear” @seven.


I liked the post by Seven the most in this entire thread as found it both amusing and informative at the same time. Even better, he conveyed his feelings without the use of words. He certainly deserves no criticism and is free to post however he wants.
I don’t understand someone having a £40000 box of cables lying around and it could never be justifed to me no matter how many words were used.
We each understand things differently and so posts do not have to make sense to everyone.
I :heart: U Seven


I find it very interesting that @seven posted a plain picture of a cable and this has created such a discussion among other forum users on this thread. It reminds me of the film *Midnight Express’ where the main character was transferred to the Turkish loony prison. All the other prisoners were walking in a circle clockwise and he decided to walk in a circle anti clockwise. This caused obvious agitation, costernation and anger among the other prisoners. They could not understand or compute what he was doing as they were so set in their ways.

I do not understand how a IEC connector (no matter the precious metal it is made of) could make a better electrical contact than a captive power cable welded directly to a transformer.

Is it now illegal to manufacture electronics with a captive cord?

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i read no criticism about his post, just questions about the meaning of his post. It’s probably evident for some but neither me or Peder were sure about the real meaning.
I was personally skeptical about the cables during many years, but not now. Some cables are quite astonishing in the upgrade of sound quality.

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:small_blue_diamond:Frenchrooster,…:+1:t2:,.There is absolutely no one in the thread who criticized anyone,…or @seven.


Pedropete said” Seven certainly deserves no criticism “. So i responded to him.

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? this thread is full of enigma

M[quote=“Peder, post:69, topic:2209, full:true”]

:small_blue_diamond:Frenchrooster,…What you describe is a bit of the character of the Nordost-cables,…either you love them or it does not work at all.

I have help a guy with a better music-system (not Naim or Linn).
There the Nordost-cables worked superbly.
A friend in Oslo (Norway),.has Nordost Frey speaker-cables (see picture below, these are the ones he has) in his Linn exact-system.
He says it plays great.

But I was doubtful,.precisely because of the Nordost character…just as you describe.
Bright, detail-rich, dynamic,…but at the same time a bit chilly.
Cleaner and Clearer but impersonal.


Cleaner and Clearer but impersonal
A good point about impersonal. I find that as without character. Which was what Nordost were about from day one.
Although I wouldn’t describe that about the musical connection with what’s replaying via Nordost cables. Some dislike that up close front row seat, and combined with edge of seat presentation that some hifi has - could be too much.

sometimes too much neutral is cold and without emotional connection.
It’s the case for a lot of high end systems unfortunately.
Recently a seller was proud to show me his high end system: Magico M, soulution electronics, esoteric source. I stopped listening after 10 seconds.

I stopped listening after 10 seconds.

This is a very assured statement. You have absolute belief in your own perceptions.
Unshakable die in the wool and like a seaside candy stick with something written throughout.
I wish I was like that.
However I am not. And with all things I am happy to be proved wrong. Life is not something to be held accountable from ones own prejudices. You can learn something new every day.

If I didn’t at first like what I was hearing from a true upmarket system, the first evaluation would be myself. Have I got used to listening to hifi music wrongly ?

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the sound lacked relief, nuances in timber, lacked colors …it was very very clean and cold. In hifi terms, the sound was big, dynamic, with great separation of instruments, extended bass…
If a system can’t convey emotion, i tend to leave it quickly.
Of course, i exaggerated talking about 10 seconds. It was maybe 25 seconds :grin::rofl:

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They do have a very long burn in time. Mine took 6 months before subtle nuances and shading had their right place in the mix.

Tobyjug, i was referring to a system i heard at a dealer place, not nordost.
As for nordost power cable, the frey, it was already run in and i listened to it several hours.

FR. For a thread about cables, I find your comments a bit odd.
Those who have been converted into cables, know that you need to install them, then at least give them a day or two to settle.
Then give an evaluation on a basis of more time the better.
The cable shoot out - that some do - a quick in, swap out, quick change for another. Is one of the most pointless reviews in hifi publications imho.
And not something that should be encouraged.

Tobyjug, i don’t understand why you say that. Again, i was referring to a system at dealer place, not nordost cable. I don’t know how i can be more clear( the system i heard very quickly).

The nordost frey cable i heard was completely run in and i listened to it during 2 days: few hours the nordost, then few hours my kharma, then few hours the nordost. It’s difficult to be more objective !
The power cable needs around 30 minutes to settle down.
I didn’t liked the nordost with my nap 250 dr . I didn’t said it’s not a good cable. But its tonality doesn’t suit me.

So there were 2 different things : the system at a dealer place ( without nordost cables). Very expensive system but which i didn’t liked at all.
The nordost frey i heard at home, which has no relation with the system at a dealer place ( which certainly creates confusion).

« i stopped listening after 10 seconds « : i was referring to a system i heard at a dealer place. Not at all referring to nordost cable !
Of course, you are right, it’s impossible to have an objective idea on a component after 10 seconds. ( the reason i said that i listened to the cable during 2 days).
The system is another matter. I listened to 2 tracks and realized that the system was very clean, too much neutral, cold, and not inducing emotion for me.