CD collection has to go

So, if I copy a new CD (that I bought) via laptop onto my DAP ( for mobile listening) that’s illegal? (Sorry, I don’t know the letter of the law).


I would sell them individually or in batches of 10 on ebay. Sell them each week. Note you don’t have them on your NAS.

I am sure the police have better things to do than check your NAS drive.

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I believe this is where we’re at:

The only exception is for creating backup copies of discs you bought yourself, which must be kept with the originals.

The legislation dates from the time of home taping and implemented an EU copyright directive. Originally the intention of the UK implementation was that copying was unlawful unless it was for your personal use. But the personal use carve out was struck down by the ECJ as being an insufficient implementation of the EU Directive (as there was no cassette tape levy in the UK scheme).

In the event, no one bothered to sort this out and of course home taping is no longer the thing it was. And most people routinely pay for streaming and no longer buy CDs. It’s vanishingly unlikely that anyone in the UK is going to get prosecuted for ripping a CD, even if they then give the CD to a charity shop, or even if they sell the CD on eBay or whatever. If they make ten copies and sell those, well maybe then the copyright owner would bring a prosecution.

I think that ripping a CD for your personal use isn’t actually illegal (as the UK legislation knew nothing of the forthcoming ripping technology), but there is nothing that says that it is lawful either. In practice it is effectively a bit of a lacuna.


That is no longer the case - it’s legitimate to copy CDs you own for personal use.

Yes, it’s technically illegal.

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I think that document is out of date (it is from 2014) and the law was changed in 2015 after a High Court challenge from the music industry. I will try to find an up to date resource.


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That was overruled by the high court. Sorry, the information is still out there online and should have been taken down.


I posted all this in post #2 :roll_eyes:

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However, in July 2015 – following a complaint by the British music industry – the High Court overturned the new regulation to make it once again illegal to rip audio CDs (High court quashes regulations allowing people to copy CDs | UK news | The Guardian), and this remains the law. The only exception is for creating backup copies of discs you bought yourself, which must be kept with the originals


Sorry for posting false info!

Pity no one told Naim. Do you think it is our duty to whistle blow on them.


This is simple
You can copy a disc for your own streaming or whatever but if you get rid of the disc then it’s illegal to keep the copy. :roll_eyes:

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No the law changed back and you can’t do that now.

If I were to get rid of my CD collection, which I won’t do, or my LP collection, which I won’t do either, I would give it all away to one of the non-profit stores that donate all surplus to charity.
I really wouldn’t worry if I had some of the discs saved on some hard drive or somewhere else…:smirk:

That’s the latest law I know of but I’ve just found this article BBC News.

Ripping music and films illegal again after High Court overturns new law Ripping music and films illegal again after High Court overturns new law - BBC News

You probably don’t need to worry about getting caught. That doesn’t make it legal!

No idea if it’s legal or not and frankly I don’t care.





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