CD collection has to go

He’s a very lucky boy he’s a foreigner - probably not allowed to say that anymore,

Can it be that bad? At least that’s what I think.


Believe me you are very lucky.

Whether it’s legal or illegal ripping your own music (and keeping the CDs) will not get you locked up. Surely common sense dictates here if they started prosecuting everyone that did it’d flood the legal system. Also they’d just simply arrest everyone as they purchased a Core or similar as they really only have one purpose.

I’m sure constable flat foot has enough on their plate without this.


If you look at ripping on Wikipedia, there is a breakdown of the legality of it by country. Most do allow for fair use of your own collection. Sadly a few, like the UK, nearly managed to get to that state only to have vested interests block it in the courts at the 11th hour.

I think the basic premise stands though that regardless of legality, you are safer owning the physical medium. If you don’t, then you own a pirate copy in the eyes of the law in all global jurisdictions and ripping doesn’t even factor into it.

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You should have got rid of the son. :slight_smile:

This wouldn’t be a police matter, either against a Core purchaser, an owner of a computer with a CD drive, or an owner of a CD rip. The license holder would have to show that a device had been used to rip without their permission if they wanted to prosecute. There is no doubt that they would if they had the means, as record labels just want to make money, but in practice it’s more or less unenforceable.

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Except where files have been purchased from a bona fide retailer. The question there is do you have to keep the purchase receipts? Given that, at least in British law, it is for the prosecution to prove an offence, then there would need to be some evidence to show beyond reasonable doubt (for a criminal offence, otherwise on the balance of probabilities if the music industry sued in the civil courts) that the person did copy and not purchase as a file. So, where what is sold for download is exactly the same as obtained by CD ripping there’d be no evidence in the file*, but if the ripping process produces a demonstrably different file from whatever is or has ever been purchasable, there would be inherent evidence.

*In that case, in the case of a civil claim, keeping the CD might be considered as circumstantial evidence!

That is a very good point and interesting as I have purchased downloads in Qobuz that no longer appear in my library as Qobuz license on that release has expired.

Not a very nice thing to say to one’s parent… And it really is only a trivial matter dealing with it - whilst we might think it good to identify to whoever will inherit what we leave behind that some of it is of value and worth their while selling appropriately if they don’t want for themselves, the reality if they’re not interested is a trip or tgree to the nearest energy from waste plant or whatever, or cost of paying someone else to do that (covered by whatever value there may be left in anything we leave). Same applies to other personal effects like clothes.


The law indeed varies by jurisdiction. Here it is perfectly legal copy even library loans (for private use). The copying activity is declining over the years though. Below a chart about that.

I didn’t know that I thought that happen if you downloaded them to play off (not purchased) line but if you purchased them you should own the file.


Likely because people have increasingly been accessing music through online streaming.

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Yes remember the Buckingham Nicks album that originated from Australia and I asked you to investigate (you used to work in the area where the record label resided) - it’s vanished off Qobuz but I have the download.


That makes sense, there’s a few in my favourites that have disappeared but I’ve not purchased them.


Another go.

You want to listen to music? You have several options:

  • Listen to the radio, FM, DAB or Internet, there’s an infinite amount out there.

  • Subscribe to a streaming service, £20 a month, almost limitless, great value but a bad deal for the artists apparently.

  • Buy your own copy, yours to keep.

  1. Vinyl - seriously the right and proper way :wink: but requires space.

  2. Download - available whenever on your NAS. High res often available.

  3. CD - great value, almost indestructible, nothing easier that putting disc in drawer and pressing play, but if you prefer rip on to your NAS etc for convenience and file away in box under stairs/bed or in garage/shed. If Mr Plod hasn’t time to attend burglaries or shoplifting unlikely he’ll come and check, on the other hand apparently they might come and visit if you have an erection on your roof that is deemed too big, so better to stay legal, what’s not to like?


My reputation precedes me yet again. I didn’t realise that little episode had become common knowledge.


Paging @Skeptikal


Oh no, not again.

Or maybe he’s discovered a new picture…


Well, he’s got Frankie, Kenneth and at a pinch, Albert to choose from.

Dicky Emery perhaps?

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