CD collection has to go

Do tell what you did for this solution - what is the product in which you put the CD and accompanying “paperwork”? What did you do about box sets if any?

I have about 1,400 or so.

Good morning everyone,

The CD collection doesn’t have to go!

Here’s a photograph of my CD storage unit. I bought it with the house, so I have no idea about its design - except that it easily holds more than 1,000 CDs in their cases. At the moment, it’s not quite full and I haven’t quite figured out what to do when it is. On the other hand, as I am now 71 years old, that problem might not arise!

Best wishes,

Brian D.


Hence the subject of the thread.

Here here, but I guess that’s not what the OP wants to do.

Correct, that’s what it used to be like only 3 x the volume.

I have just started my space saving project also, I have around 3000+ Cd’s. I have ten of the IKEA GNEDBY CD “towers” alongside my vinyl (in IKEA KALLAX units), but ran out of room for CD’s many years ago so piles of them overflow everywhere!. But ditching the jewel cases using 3L vinyl pockets (from amazon), and putting them into small crates (3d printed) that fit into my existing CD towers will mean i can easily get them all onto the shelves with space to spare.

Just very tedious, de-casing 3000+ CD’s+inserts and printing maybe 80-90 small crates in total, so just doing 100 or so a week. And of course filling up my bin with empty jewel cases (my local council does not accept them as recycling). Newer CD’s in thin cardboard sleeves I just leave as they are.


I started rehousing some of mine in Slappa cases. Very good, lots of storage but…you then have to find a place for the cases.

Nice and portable though.


Nowhere near the collection of CD’s that many people have, but I am currently ripping them to a SSD drive ready to attach to my NSC222 when it arrives next week. With the ability to stream digital music there doesn’t seem much point in having streaming and CD’s so following the content of this and other threads on the forum the CD’s are being boxed up and heading to the garage thereby maintaining my legal obligations.

The SSD will be copied and held off site in case of the worst happening.

dealers only want rare items. i had a leonard bernstein autograph. also the everly brothers. autograph. duane eddy autograph. merle haggard autograph. they fetched
very good prices. i have a lionel hampton autograph. it did not sell.

CDs are great i have the box set Elvis at Sun .the label is memphis recording services.
also bear family records box sets. they use the masters.

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And the ability to do that is a bonus compared to CD or vinyl!

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I cannot deny it is a big bonus, all CD’s on one drive and a copy held away from the house.

Should the worst happen and I lost my vinyl collection I would be devastated, hopefully it won’t but one never knows.

I keep considering doing a listen through my entire collection from one end to the other. Might even do it with a thread on here, listing and with a comment on each album.

But I’ll probably never get round to it…

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I went through the space saver project a few years ago, though i only have about 1000 CDs, so it was an issue, but not as much an issue as it may be for some.

First i moved all of my CDs into Fleecepacks and got rid of all the horrible plastic jewel cases (why are they even called that?!?)

Then i got a couple of flight cases and loaded thrm up - not much room for more CDs left now!

But i kept a small storage rack in the lounge for CDs in digipacks and boxed sets/special editions.

With the adoption of streaming and Roon, im now buying so few CDs I think my storage should suffice. I only really purchase fave and niche bands / specials where i dont want to risk losing access being at the whim of a streaming service.

Its definitely a buyers market these days for those that want to take job lots of CDs…


I have just under 14.5k of CD’s, 6 a day is over 2,400 days or 6 and a half years, I won’t be starting anytime soon, plus it proves I have far too many, and I’m sure I’m not the only one with a similar sized collection.


There’s a difference between accumulated CDs bought purely for playing the music, and those bought by a collector (which may or may not also be for playing [some of] the music). However whilst the latter tend to b far bigger, once the joy of collecting and having ends tgey become thecsame in terms of disposal, just on different scales.

14.5k, that is some collection @Cmax !
Question is, do you end up playing the same CDs all the time or do you dig deep and play different ones each time?
I probably wouldnt remember anyway with that much choice.


Is that Dolly Parton filed next to Dinosaur Jr?

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Yes @AndyP , .on the same row as Diamond Head, The Cult and Dead Kennedys :joy: Good spot.
Thats my street cred gone, should have sanitised the rack before taking a photo!


There is some good stuff there.