CD collection has to go

That’s a good question, I have a core of music that gets listened to more than others, I would say mine is about 1500 albums, the rest get rotated round every couple of months, about 200 at a time, If some thing is posted on here or played on the radio, that I like and think I haven’t played that in a while, I will go and dig it out.

Thinking about it, it seems a waste, If I was starting again now, it would be downloads, everything I own is on a database, so I know what I have and where it is.


I think this is not quite so straightforward an issue. Consider what happens if you come home some night and discover that someone has broken in and stolen your CD collection.
Do you then have to ditch your legitimately (until then) ripped copies?
Much of this stuff is completely academic anyway. Nobody is going to be prosecuted for continuing to posess a rip of CD which they subsequently sold or gave away.
The only practical reason for keeping your CDs, nostalgia apart, is in case you may need to rip them again. It is why I still have all mine, much to my wife’s chagrin.
As regards my heirs, I trust they will be prepared to put up with some inconvenience in consideration for having left them materially better off, rather than indulging in a Statement System in my dotage!

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Under UK law there is no such thing as a legitimately ripped copy. Without permission from the rights holder, by law you can’t do it.

I bow to your superior knowledge, but if that is really the case the law is, not for the first time, truly an ass.
Anyway, my point is that in practice the law couldn’t care what you do in private with rips of your own CDs. There are more urgent priorities……


How many CDs do you have Andy?:thinking: Thousands? You have to live very small or have many if you absolute must get rid of them, right?

I’m definitely not a collector, all purchases are / were based on the fact I liked the artist / music, I just happen to like a lot of artists and their music :musical_note: :grin:.

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If you buy but don’t play - and with your stated size of collection I suspect there are a good few you have never played and a large number that if you have played it will have been only once - then notwithstanding the fact that you like every artist whose CDs you have bought, that does seem to me to be actions of a collector. But clearly you have a different view of what makes a collector, which is fine.

Every disc I own has been played at least once.

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My brother mostly streams but he hates shelves of anything that’s not a book. He puts about 3000 CDs with the booklet into those cases or into these padded books that hold 240 discs 4 to a page. The jewel case get’s tossed.

His collection of 3000 takes up about half the space of my collection of 800.

Personally, I like having all my discs behind my listening chair in the office. I don’t store any discs in the main living room.


This is such an amusing thread. A good question raised, it gets answered, the OP decides what to do at post 32, then endless repetitive discussion that adds nothing. Much like many other threads I suppose. Someone suggests how to get rid of them, someone else pops up and says ‘against the law’ and on and on it goes, over and over, with nothing new. Suggestion. Illegal. Repeat.


Think it’s just folk talking don’t see the issue. You don’t have to read them, It’s just conversation.

There’s some irony in posting that.


Don’t worry, I was fully aware of that.

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What a threat … I’m happy that I’ve got rid of mine after ripping with the HDX

Hi Mark
I use two sleeve options for single and double CD’s as shown below.
They are readily available from all the usual locations (Amazon, EBay etc) at relatively low cost.

They are more than large enough to contain CD, booklet and backing card…

As for Box Sets, the smaller ones fit easily in my filing order in the storage boxes,

…the larger ones do sit on a separate shelf however🤷🏻‍♂️

I hope this answers your query :blush:


You need to be careful with these plastic sleeves. There are many reports of some types seriously damaging discs over time. The polycarbonate ones especially.

You have been warned.


Tis very true but if they are for archiving only and only come out when/if a re-rip is needed, they’re probably okay.

But even the softest padded ones eventually result in poor discs if you store them like that and also play them regularly.

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There’s some irony in posting that.


I had same issue - most of my 500+ CDs were worthless (ie cost to post to sell is more than they are worth). One or two worth 5-10 quid (eg The Killers Double Album).

So as some others did - I binned all the plastic cases (except The Killers) and put the CDs on their own into a very handy folder from a well known online site. Much tidier. In fact I need to move the CDs to a house where I actually have a CD player…

My brother just returned my (very few) LPs. These too are not worth much - just sentimental value - Muds Greatest Hits (sorry) and Emerson Lake and Palmer… amongst others.


Did they have enough hits to fill a ‘greatest’ LP?
