CD5X Repair

I suspect that CD has been squeezed out from both ends (Ooh Matron) by on the one hand the convenience and equal/better SQ of streaming and at the other, the resurgence In vinyl enthusiasm.

I look forward to watching the discussion about “non-NAIM but good enough” CD players elsewhere. Want to kick it off, IanRobert? :smiley:

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Done… :expressionless:

A good read….

For my first Naim system, I wanted to stay with the Naim offerings. I am a happy user of the CD5si. I have nothing to compare it to.

When I had a Rega system, I had the Saturn. I actually had two units. Both stoped initializing CD after a while. Not for me.

Or a decent CD transport feeding an nDAC?

While Sue’s CD3.5 was in Wiltshire for a new laser (now back and in fine form :+1: ), she’d borrowed my CDX. I therefore ran an old Meridian 200 transport into my nDAC. It worked very well, and the overall sound was pretty similar to my RPi streamer (which, er, also feeds my nDAC - hmmm there’s a clue there :grin:).


I love my CD5si it goes great with my Supernait 3
It’s indeed a very straightforward machine with no frills but it’s built like a tank and is very analogue feeling in its use.
Less gimmicks to go wrong manual all the way. :+1:t2:


@Skeptikal Well said. I really like mine with my SN3 as well.


Apparently not…

Mine is a CD5si not the thread title CD5X.
We were talking replacements.

Hi Graham
Why not ask your dealer to loan you a box fresh CD5Si? With a decent power cord and using RCAs in place of Din. I would be very surprised if you did not decide to keep it.
It’s a much more up to date design than the balance of your kit.
Even if not entirely to your taste, you could at least listen to your treasured CDs whilst awaiting an older player to appear.
When one does, you will find the CD5Si holds value well as a trade in


Absolutely agree 100%

I think there is a bit of “ if it costs more it has to be better” thinking applied to this piece of kit.
Personal view, there is more variation in disks than players


You are so very right.
Seasons greetings to you. :+1:t2:

Thank you
Happy new year to you too

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Thanks, Mike. I’ll have a word with Audio T. I can easily afford to buy a CD5Si, and you’re right that I should have a CD player to play the discs.

I hope, and don’t think you will be disappointed!
Happy new year and CD listening.

Thank you, Mikee.

If you are wanting something of a much higher standard from Naim and are prepared to buy preowned, I couldn’t recommend a CDS3 more, provided if has already had the mech changed to the different Phillips Mech, you are on safe ground still should this fail. The type of magnetic puck will indicate to you if the mech has been changed as newer one uses a later puck.

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I would also ask them to demonstrate the Chord Shawline interconnect and a Chord Powerline (I know you favour the Graham Hydra) but it is possible to uplift the performance of the CD5si in discernible steps

Hmm, why would you be safe ? If he buys a used CDS3 and needs to replace the mech in a couple of years time, what will the situation be regarding replacements ?
I understand that Naim’s stock of mechs for all their players is getting dangerously low.
IMHO, it’s best nowadays to buy new.