Chord GroundArry plugs

Quite a few caveats in that review.


Once Iā€™ve got used to my new set up, this is something that I will be trying.

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So I installed a RJ45 plug in my EE8 - Ill just say that its staying :innocent:


Next item on my wish list


Have you tried it on your Router instead of the EE8 Nigel? :thinking:

I would be interested to hear if anyone has had success using on a router.

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Iā€™ve just done it at the suggestion of a Chord Rep :+1:

I tried the Chord GroundARAY plugs and this is the findings, which is posted on another thread.

Look forward to hearing your impressions. What router are you using?

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Did putting it in a sock have any effect on the audio? :wink:


Perhaps try more toe-in too?



Just a little cleaner Steve with better focus and presence. I think these types of upgrades are small incrementally but fitting to my Sky Router did improve things a tad more than when fitted to my EE8. Makes sense really when we think what these plugs aim at doing.



Brilliant. We need a bit of humour!

Iā€™m still open minded about these Chord thingies - they definitely do something, and now that my system is back where it should be I may well try them again at some stage, but for now I simply cannot justify the cost.

If people have positive experiences with any upgrade, tweak, cable etc then thatā€™s essentially good news as sometimes even expensive ā€˜tweaksā€™ are comparatively good vfm compared to major black box upgrades - I consider the effect a few Powerlines had to be in that category.


No I have not - It would involve some reorganization, as there are currently no free RJ45 ports.
I would have to make something wireless or add another switch :crazy_face:

Itā€™s hardly critical so just enjoy as is Nigel :+1:

As you are aware, I tried the Chord GroundARAY plugs and found that they did make a slight improvement. However, not for me at their current cost, as did not seem VFM for my system.

I have made a change though. Picked up a pre-loved Hi-Cap for less to replace my FlatCap XS which powers my SNAXO 242.

Have to see what that does.




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