
IMHO, batsmen had it good for some many years via (pretendy!) padding-up et al, that a re-balancing was far overdue. You miss it, your fault, you take your lumps as far I see things.

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I wasn’t saying DRS is not welcome, it is perhaps not as accurate as Hawkeye make out.

Fair comment – on the matter in general, I’m all in favour of Hawkeye as it equalises the playing field (in parlance), and is probably far more accurate than some of the ump’s out there. I’m OK with Hawkeye having the odd wobble (probably set-up issues?), as such wobbles are far better than the perfunctory ‘not out’ spoken by many umps – unless you had the misfortune to play with a ‘trigger finger’ (usually a home team ump!).


Which to be fair is one (maybe the only) reason for Umpire’s call. I never understand those who think that option should be done away with unless they believe Hawkeye is infallible.

I often wonder how long it takes to set up the equipment prior to the match and what the margins for error are in that process.

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My understanding is that it’s supposed to be accurate to <5mm (supposedly ~3.6mm per the blurb), obviously s/t the predictive element, which may be what the issue is really about? Hence, why I suspect, ‘Ump’s Call’ exists – noting India were a hold-out against the adoption of the technology many years ago.

The Wiki page is an interesting read.

I always thought the Umpires Call was to eliminate the howlers, those really obvious bad calls. I wasn’t in favour originally but have changed my mind recently.

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Unquestionably, it’s changed the way some players approach spin bowlers nowadays e.g. they simply can’t protrude the pad and play a faux shot, or take a big stride so as to raise material doubt in the ump’s mind about the line of the ball. The one aspect I would question is its predictive capabilities, as we often see a ball suddenly swing after pitching, often in an erratic manner.

Thank heavens Hawkeye works a sight better than VAR!

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Don’t open that box :grin:


Interesting indeed. But the article doesn’t address the tolerances needed in the original set up on match day. I am assuming that the 3.6mm accuracy is the highest that can be achieved and I would have thought that would be dependent on the quality of the setting up of the equipment. Maybe no, maybe 3 angles allows a large degree of latitude but I would be surprised. Hence the need for the umpire’s judgement allowed for in umpire’s call.

It got me thinking about it when Root was out in the last match - live, it looked as if it pitched way outside leg although that could of course have been down to the TV camera angle.

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I haven’t seen Root’s dismissal, bearing in mind it only needs for a smidgeon over half the ball to pitch ‘in line’. I wonder if heat haze/smog affected the calibration of the equipment? :grin:

Of course, it’s also used in tennis and given how much a bouncing/hit ball distorts, I wonder how it picks this up, which leads one to suspect it captures the whole image, distortion and all.

I think ‘Umpire’s call’ also makes sure the Umpire remains key, and respects their authority on pitch as the prime decision maker initially.

I think VAR has eroded the role of refs, not strengthened it.



Day 1 of the 2 test series between NZ and Aus, both sides believe they don’t play each other often enough. I’m hoping for some good competitive cricket played in good spirits.

Aus wrapped up the 3 T20s 3/0. The first game chasing 216 Aus need a 4 from the last ball, David punched it in between 2 fielders on the fence to score the winning runs.

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The NZ cricket team is a very good one capable of giving any world side a good match on their day. But what is wrong with us when we play Australia? We become a bunch of incompetent ningcompoops. We get the screaming yibyabs and play like a bunch of klutz’s. We need our brains reset when it comes to playing Australia.


Mrs Pete and I were actually talking about that in car while we listening, for some strange reason you allow us to boss you. Strange as you’re much better than that.


Hope you have a safe journey



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Aussies wrap up the first test against the Kiwis in the first session of day 4. The win takes them to the top of the ranking.

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Yes you have Number 1 position, we on the other hand have Bazball


I know which I would rather have


They had a very interesting conversation re Bazball during the game, not very flattering I’m afraid from both the Kiwis and Aussie commentators.

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I think people tend to ignore the fact test cricket was rapidly dying on its feet.
The biggest factor for dull uninteresting cricket in my opinion is the series format. Teams get one up and then at all costs avoid defeat.
It’s time we stopped looking at series but individual games which would remove the temptation for dull cricket.
Bazball is not about bish, bash,bosh, but moving the game along by trying to win with enterprising cricket. At times you will see Stokes rein himself in for periods to assess the situation.