
Well remembered — I’ve just read the Wiki page. It seems the drop-ins will be replaced by a carpet wicket, with the modular stands being removed. There’s quite a large and growing Asian population in this area of NY state, hence the positioning of the ground by the looks.

Nassau County International Cricket Stadium - Wikipedia

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Half following the Canada match. Nicholas Kirton needlessly run out.

He needs to pull himself together!!


Half following here too – while listening to the AM Jason Beer KC show on YT.

Another low scoring day at the sandpit ground, where anything bowled on the stumps has to be treated with respect.

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I wouldn’t mind a bowl on that.

It’s almost back to classical line & length cricket!


For the first time the Australian Team games aren’t on free to air. Amazon Prime has the rights for T20 and shows them all live, normally we’d only get their games other matches may have been available streaming. Problem this T20 didn’t exist when our protection laws were passed. There’s new laws being passed soon that’ll change that.

Your National teams should on free air often (probably all of them) are funded by taxpayers, well they are here.

Good win over the old enemy couple of nights ago, it’d be nice to hold all 3 titles. I thought the Aussies looked pretty good but I’d have say the English looked a very tied team. You blokes need some changes, think it’s an unbalanced team. But hay that’s just my opinion.

Just watching Aus v Namibia, they’re struggling at 26/5.

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Hi Pete, some games do get a shortened replay via a terrestrial channel , The Hundred :100: games are sometimes shown live. I don’t think any of the T20 World Cup is available via terrestrial.

A great shame, sport in general has benefited from the huge swathes of revenue , but there are too many channels and too many platforms .

Best wishes

Ian ( in bed :sleeping_bed:, on the iPad)

Pete – as this is an ICC competition, I wonder who has control of selling the rights? Amazon are certainly in disrupter phase over here in the UK.

The ICC would hate our anti siphoning laws and probably rushed at the opportunity to sell to the highest bidder. The law will now include the T20, however it is in the hands of politicians and god knows where that could end up.

The Sky deal has made our players much better off but still fairly useless. Lol.


Guess that’s what happens when you play more for the money than you do the honour to play for your country. I get it but it’s still a bit sad.

As has been proven in some of the Test match results, the current England set-up doesn’t include players who graft for their runs, favouring the big hitters. And those who did take their time e.g. Root, have had their game contaminated by trying too hard.

Of course, there is the elephant in the room, which is that England now have a ‘fifth columnist’ Aussie coach for the white ball game :grinning:

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USA v India – no spoilers, but it’s game on and the betting exchanges must be busy!

Such a shame the pitch is living up to expectations. Just bowl a rough stumps line and let the pitch do the work.

I actually think a dodgy wicket makes for a more interesting short form game.
I’d got a bit fed up with 210-5 v 211-3 and sixes every other shot as a typical game.
It brings drama to a game normally dominated by batting and gives the minnows a chance.
Nothing better than making the batter work for the runs.

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Agreed - although this pitch has seen some unplayably low bounce. If England played on this strip, we’d be advised to get Darren Stevens out of mothballs. An accurate nibbling ‘tommy trundler’ would be a nightmare.


He might well be a better bet the way some of our current bowlers are going.:smile:


"Fast bowler Josh Hazlewood has suggested Australia, who have already qualified for the Super 8s, may not play at full capacity against Scotland to ensure England are knocked out.

England can match Scotland’s total of five points by beating Oman and Namibia but must do so convincingly then hope Australia win by a margin that allows the defending champions’ net run-rate to surpass that of their rivals."

If England don’t at win the next two Buttler won’t be Captain much longer imho. But who is next cab on the rank?

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There’s talk here that we wouldn’t be overly concerned if England didn’t qualify but I don’t think we’d throw a game (well not unless there was money in it😁).

Still a lot of anger here over the way they were treated last year so it shouldn’t surprise you there’s not a lot love for the English team.

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What a lovely location for a cricket match: St Vincent.

England going very well (no spoilers).

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