Dan's thread

Anyone who didn’t know you would think that you look perfectly normal :grinning::grinning:


We are normal and we dig Bert Weedon!

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Really suits you Dan


I’m with you fella :grinning::grinning:



Saved 100s in barbers costs over the years :grinning:


@Dan_M I started reading an old thread of yours as I have an NDS coming in next week for my second system. Thinking of adding the ND5XS2 to it and use that for a streaming source. I have a Core and will plan to use that to gauge the sound of everything first. Good luck with all you have going on! Wishing you the best from Fort Collins, Colorado, USA!

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If you’ve read my threads then you will know that the 3 box streaming solution works without fault. Very happy with it. I listen to Qobuz alot with it and has the NDS sound with the latest streaming platform. You’ll need a DC1 BNC to BNC to get the best out of it. I ended up with 3rd Fraim stack as well as you’ll probably know. Good luck with your choices.

I couldn’t be dealing with the workarounds or Roon. Far too complicated.

Great to see smiling faces with bald heads! Maybe I will never go back! Lol :rofl:

I am embracing the new look.


Thanks, I did read them all! Sounds like a great fit!

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Not bald. Melanoma. Third go to get it all out.


That looks painful. Is this recent? Bless you Mike.

Gosh, just checked the dates, almost 4 years ago to the day. It was done with local anaesthetic, but still sore afterwards and it bleed a lot afterwards as the weather was really hot. Fortunately it was non-invasive melanoma, but it took 3 operations to get clear margins and then a immunotherapy cream to mop up rouge cells in the skin. You have to catch these buggers early before they get through the skin and I had a work friend who was diagnosed too late and died. I’m on regular checks now, but you are considered cured if clear after 5 years.

More to you mate, you on the big stuff. My wife did the same during our lockdowns. It’s not fun, but as she said, it had to be done as she’s a mother.



I suspect there are quite a few of us “eggs” around these parts :wink::joy:


Thats an OUCH from blighty👍


Maybe @Willy should repost his ragged finger :scream_cat:

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Once is enough….bless him🥺

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Seeing you post a picture of Spock in the used equipment thread, I wondered if you watch any of the Trek stuff, if you do and haven’t seen it then Paramount’s Strange New Worlds is a heck of a lot of fun much like the original series from the late 60’s.

Maybe it’s a bit tongue in cheek, but I love this particular episode (bit of a spoiler perhaps), they’ve always had a few where they don’t take themselves particularly seriously:

Bring on the cheese!

He also sang in one of the original episodes.

Since then I did some more work on the same finger with a cordless planer. Again it grew back, with the added bonus that it removed the residual tenderness from the previous injury.
Had a look but can’t find any photo, you’ll just have to use your imagination.
I’ve become really quite careful with power tools these days.



I appreciate some will wonder why on earth I posted that, it’s very marmite, take it or leave it but if it makes anyone chuckle that’s the reason.