Dan's thread

I think it was in the big ‘what have you done’ thread that unfortunately went ‘poof’.

You may henceforth be known as Wolverine if things keep growing back :scream_cat:

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Especially when they take them away.

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Ahh, these bald heads! Does anyone remember the Mekon from Dan Dare in The Eagle comic? A green fellow who used to float about in a spacecraft that looked like half an egg?


I never did shave my legs - largely because I don’t consider myself a good enough cyclist to wear the badge of a proper racer.


I used to work for a boss who looked the spitting inage of The Mekon. Acted like it too…

Happy days… ! Still got a couple of Eagle Annuals somewhere.

Back to Dan…

Nor me. I once went flying on a mountain bike in a local park coming back from a ride as I raced and swerved on a path between some tennis courts, I badly grazed much of my leg/hip/back skidding many yards on the concrete path. Could have been worse I guess, but I realised in subsequent days one of the reasons why many of my keener cycling friends did shave.

It’s a myth that shaving is for aerodynamics it’s actually so adhesive dressings stick more readily incase of severe road rash….allegedly


And your legs feel warmer when riding in the rain…at least, mine did when I used to shave my legs.


BOSTIN ……as they say in Brum. Looks good.

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Bad chemo effects yesterday left me vomitting from about 11am until early hours of this morning. Feeling better today, eating and drinking. Taken day off work and best thing is I was well enough to pick up my 3 year old boy. He is asleep on the sofa next to me right now. Bless him.


Stay snug , glad you can eat and drink


AI is amazing. How they’ve managed to seamlessly graft my torso on to his head continues to astonish.



I assume you mention this either in relation to your prior awful experience with diverticular disease or possibly the more recent back/leg pains?

You are undoubdtely correct that all forms of ‘pain killers’ can have adverse effects, some quite unpleasant, but Dan may not be needing any at this point in time.

Simply an observation, hope it doesn’t sound critical.


Sht Mike that a scar and half hope they got it all. Take care.


It was simply an honest comment based on your past experience, I just couldn’t quite see a specific link to Dan’s experiences to date, that’s the only reason I mentioned it.

It was 4 years ago, it’s healed up very nicely.


I’m not taking any painkillers. It’s two types of chemotherapy taken intravenously through a canular for one day every 3 weeks. Then I take steroids and antisickness meds for 3 days. Because of constipation I take Laxido laxitives and for acid reflux Omeprazole.

Previously when I had chemoradiotherapy for initial cancer I took slow release morphine for about 4 to 5 months as the treatment burnt my anal passage and I was in agony every time…

With current treatment so far week 1 of each cycle is rough. Get loads of side effects. Things improve on week 2 and week 3 feel normal. Got through worst of this week hopefully.

The worst this week has been bloating, nausea and vomitting! Now my legs and arms ache, itchy skin, headaches and still constipated. Some cold shivers, occasional heart palpitations, tinnitus, kidney pain from getting rid of toxins…

Onwards and upwards. Had lovely day with my 3 year old son yesterday. Bliss! Back at work this morning. Next week things will be easier.


A lot of what you describe mirrors my wife’s chemo experience - it’s very rough indeed.

A nice day with your son will have been a great help, and getting back to work can be a welcome distraction from the unpleasantness.

Can’t offer much more than the clichéd prayers and thoughts, but clichés are often clichés for a reason.



I had to stop eating hot curries, which I loved, for the same reason……


More seriously, yes, based on the wife’s experience, week 1 of each cycle is the big write-off.