Dan's thread

I had extreme pain at the opposite end, my mouth and throat were extremely painful, needing to take morphine to eat. On balance, I think I got the better end of the deal.


I’ve ‘liked’ your post, Dan. God knows why, because what you’re going through sounds like absolute sh1t. I applaud your strength and courage to share your story. Hopefully sharing your story helps. All strength to you.


I know what you mean Clive. It seems weird to like a post when Dan is going through this, but there are only so many ways to say “Thinking of you” in a reply, so I hope that Dan realises that the “likes” are intended to show support from his forum friends.
And similarly I am amazed by Dan’s strength.


“Back to work this morning”.


Big thanks to @GeoffC for the Naim cap, badge and card. :blush:
Love, Dan


I am determined to beat cancer and live a long life. The consultant has given me 2 years. But she doesn’t know me and what I can do. With friends like I have here and outside the forum nothing will get in my way!

A bit of pain here and there. Maybe sometimes torturous! But I am still here smiling. The strength of the human resolve and spririt is capable of anything.

Anything is possible. Thank you to you all for inspiring me to be strong and keep going. Tigether we will beat this Cancer. And keep listening to the music.

No matter what this forum has been a great source of strength to me.

Much love,



Some people have work they actually like, provides satisfaction, distraction and a bit money. I can fully relate to Dan with regards to this.

I think that many people simply end up in the wrong jobs, and honestly many jobs are terrible so I’m not judging people who take a different approach it’s just that I understand Dan and I think he does the right thing for him.


Bottom line is I am 50 years old. I have 2 mortgages and 4 kids. I am single and still need to bring money in. Not working isn’t an option for me.

I love my job. I am a self employed builder.

And besides I would get bored not working.


An interesting article about the language surrounding cancer in today’s Guardian.

I have never liked the warlike metaphors for cancer and whilst I might have used them at first, I soon shifted to talking about my cancer journey. The warlike language implies there will be deaths, whilst the journey metaphor doesn’t imply any outcome, rather it focuses more on what you do in the day-to-day, possibly planning for the future and encourages a more positive outlook I believe, and there is evidence that being positive can help. For some years I talked about living with cancer, now that I have been clear for over 5 years I feel I am now living beyond cancer and hope more people will get to this stage.


The phrase I particularly dislike in the media in recent years with any form of illness is ‘victim’, as in ‘stroke victim, cardiac victim, coeliac victim’ and so forth.


Nice article (I avoided the one about the disgrace of wearing underwear in bed).

It mentions John Wayne, he had lung cancer at one stage and just got on with filming and there are a few movies (well at least one) when he’d had recent lung surgery, I don’t think anyone would have known. (Sons of Katie Elder was the one I think).

Life inevitably ends in death - a cancer diagnosis in this context is much more variable in outcome…

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Hi @Dan_M Good to see it helped raise a smile. :grinning:


You made my week @GeoffC. It was a tough one. Coming home to a lovely card and present. I appreciated what you did so much.


Good man👍


As I have never met you Dan, it looks completely normal, particularly us chaps who are naturally folically challenged.:wink:


That is the Dan we all know and love.

I don’t suppose you are feeling up to going to the Bristol hifi show this year. I only ask as it would be an opportunity to meet up. I am going Friday.


Hi Nigel,

Thanks so much for your continued support pal. Will be great to meet up. I am doing good this week. Last week was a bit yuk! I’ve got my kids most weekends which is wonderful. Enjoy the Bristol hifi show !

All those who want to meet up will meet up! We have the visit to HQ after my Chemo and we can do other meets too.


When I was doing my chemo I went through weeks where everything tasted like salt, this was fine if I was eating french fries, but not so great if it was ice cream. I asked my oncologist why they couldn’t develop chemo that made everything taste like Scarlett Johansson instead of salt, and quickly realized that oncologists don’t know everything, and have no sense of humour.
The best way to get one over on your oncologist is to live much much longer than they first expected, and remain their patient until they DO know you - then you might be able to get her to crack a smile.


Back at hospital for cycle 3. Half way mark now of chemotherapy. Hope everyone is well!