Dan's thread

Hi Dan hope you’re well so far apart from feeling a little flu like and odd I haven’t had any major problems. I was told that it’s day 3 and 4 when the pre meds wear off that you may notice some side effects. How well are you on the days between treatment?


This round of chemo has been better. The antisickness drugs worked better. Still bloated and now that chemo is wearing off feeling a bit tired.

Week 1 is worst. Week 2 better. Week 3 feel normal. Then the cycle starts again. 3 of 6 cycles now complete.

Had lots more side effects which were very unpleasant on first two chemo rounds. Vomitting, acid reflux, bloating, constipation, headaches, shivers, body aches heart palpitations.

I think my body has got used to it more now. Let your treatment provider know what side effects you get. Changing the anti sickness drugs has helped alot.

I also find the steroids for first few days help maintain energy levels and even things out.

Had a scan this morning. Got two more scans over next 10 days. Then results a few weeks after those. Hopefully there some improvements!


Good to hear you’re managing it as best as you can, that’s all you can do. I kinda of feel flu like but nowhere as bad as I thought I would. I best described it as odd, spent the morning with friends which really helped it was nice to meet people who just didn’t want to stick a needle in my arm. I was told that I’d be hyper sensitive which I didn’t realise it was everything my wife had the fan on last night (it’s still quite warm here) and it felt like a gale force wind.

My steroids and pre meds are still working and I’m expecting that that will catch up with me early next week.

What week are you in?


Week 7. Week 1 of 3rd cycle. Total cycle is 18 weeks.

Of course they may change the cycle dependent on the scans.


Hang in there, there has to be hope. Take care.


Thanks Pete. I’m doing alright. Let’s see what happens with this treatment. Chemoradiotherapy solved initial cancer, but lets see what chemo does on 2 secondary areas!

Take care mate. :wink:


Gee day 3 has hit me a little hard I’ve been a cocky all weekend and now paying for it. Obviously the pre meds have worn off.


Sorry to hear day 3 was more difficult Pete. Dan’s been having a rough go at times and I hope yours is a lighter experience for some fortuitous reason.
I feel really bad for Dan, and I don’t want to have to feel really bad for you as well.
I seriously can’t believe how much empathy I feel for you and Dan.
Stay strong, man. (That’s Canadian for mate). :slightly_smiling_face:


Weekend has been rough. It feels like the chemicals coming out from chemo. Headaches, tiredness, itchy legs. S#its. I find it’s one of worst times: weekend after each cycle. So it’s days 6 to 7 of each 21 day cycle. Still feel rough now. Really toxic feeling, kidneys hurt. Gonna get up soon and start the week back at work.

Hopefully will feel normal today.


Try to listen to your body. Early nights, plenty or sleep and rest. Try to eat well and exercise each day.

Keep your mind positive.

Easier said then done sometimes. And be kind to yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s what my wife keeps on saying to me :flushed:


It’s only way you can do it on chemo. You can suffer tenfold if you think you can do the same as before. You can’t.

Your wife is right by the way Mike. You’re a lucky man!


Sleeps been an issue for me, Mrs Pete thought I decided to change sleeping hours to take care of me. I was never in bed much before midnight and jumped up around 6.30m with 5-6 hours of good sleep. Going to bed early around 9.30-10.30pm I found I was waking around 2am unable to go back to sleep.

I re jigged that over the weekend went back to my normal routine and sleeping better.


Dan just checking in to see how you’re travelling, hope all is ok.


Hi Pete,

I had treatment for cycle 4 today. We had problems with fitting canular and I was faint and almost passed out. Once new canular fitted on opposite hand felt much better.

Feeling positive and keep fighting. How are you doing?


Oh that is nasty , after around 12-13 days incarcerated on continuous drips and cannulas they just couldn’t fit any more , don’t worry they said :zipper_mouth_face: we have specialists.

Oh yarbles

All I could do was hide under the covers and wave the white handkerchief of surrender

My very best wishes


Yep if they get that canular wrong and lose confidence they can make a mess of your arm. My bruising from a similar incident is still visible. Glad you’re ok. I’ve got a specialist appointment today prior to starting again late next week (after Easter).

So apart from feeling odd and a couple of really bad days it hasn’t been that bad (touch wood).

Hope you can enjoy your Easter, take care.


I feel for you guys.
After 7 weeks of constant IV Antibiotics when I got Endocarditis, I had track marks for months afterward.
Damaged skin, collapsed blood vessels, bruises galore as I was and am on blood thinners.
It’s absolutely horrible. I can genuinely sympathise🫤


Apart from that were you ok. :grin:


Well, I nearly died, but that wasn’t pertinent to my post :wink: :rofl: