Dan's thread

Hi Pete

I had a tube inserted in the top of my arm and then approximately 300mm of it was threaded through the vein into I think was my central vein near my heart. There was a plastic valve that could be connected up to a syringe without the needle so that they could flush it with Saline solution to prevent blood clots. When I had my chemo sessions in the hospital they connected the bags of chemo to the valve and drip the solution in which took roughly an hour and a half or thereabouts.

All the very best to you Pete with your treatment. Reading your comments you appear to have turned the corner. Upwards and onwards as they say.


Yep that sounds similar to what have in mind for me, guess once it’s done they won’t keep sticking me with something sharp every day. You obviously had a good outcome?

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Back at work today. Was with a workmate. Ripped out bathroom, preparations made. I took it easy and we had brunch out, took lots of breaks.

But I am a fair bit better.

Scan this morning was awful. Had to push emergency button twice but I moved into different positions and we got there in the end!

Working maybe 3 to 4 days this week. So how it goes. Tomorrow off. Thursday installation day off as well!

Hopefully back from bump with a bounce :cowboy_hat_face:


How’s it going mate? Hopefully the new kit is settling in nicely.

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Hi Mark, things have settled down on health front. Waiting to see what they do next. Next step is consultant will let me know if they are going ahead with the liver resection op.

I am doing alright. How are you?


New kit is wonderful mate. Loving it!


All good here mate. Have a couple of new toys incoming. Picking up a Super Lumina din-xlr tomorrow and just sorting out sourcing two other replacement cables that can’t be discussed. Glad to hear things are level with you for a bit.

Continuing to keep you in my thoughts along with lots of other people here.

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Had phone appointment with consultant and the lesion on my liver has reduced from 24mm to 19mm. The 2nd lesion has gone. Got another scan on thursday to look at rest of my body. They will look at lungs as there was a 7mm lesion.

Next step depending on thursday’s scan will be liver resection which will be keyhole surgery and slicing a section of the liver off! No big deal and should be out of hospital within a day or two.

See what happens after Thursday but news is positive! I am beating cancer! :muscle:


Well done Dan👍


What heartening news.

Perhaps 500 series & LP12’s should be available on the NHS?


That is great news Dan, I’m so pleased for you.


Great news Dan, let’s hope it’s all positive. :+1:


I love that. Keep strong.

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So glad to hear this. Thanks for keeping us posted. So many of us are thinking of you.

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Absolutely brilliant news Dan, words still fail me…I agree with @Canaryfan that your hifi journey can only have helped :slightly_smiling_face:

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Fantastic outlook there young man.

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Looking forward to hearing more encouraging news after your Thursday scan.

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Sounding very, very good

Best wishes



My best wishes for your continued health improvement.

I have become a fan of diets that focus on gut health. I have added making my own kefir yogurt. It just needs lightly pasteurised milk and kefir grains, which are home for the kefir stuff. If you happen to be near enough to Gloucestershire I could provide some as they multiply!

I also make sourdough breads of various mixes. Fruit and veg are also important.

I would think that gut health was at a low after the chemo.



I see that Richard has organised Dan’s visit for the 11th July. As I’ve been on a factory visit in the last few years I’ll respect Naim’s wishes and not apply to come along, however if there is to be a wider get together after the visit I’d love to meet up. (I understand if Dan thinks it’d be too tiring to have the factory tour and a pub get together.)
And on the more important note I hope your treatment is going as well as your ND555.