Dan's thread

Famous last words!!

I said that or similar after getting my 222/300/250, but then I added a better cartridge and NVC TT into the mix just before Xmas and suddenly an extra 300 and 332/333 had replaced the 222.

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Do they manufacture the PCBs there too or is it mainly an assembly line?

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Looks a great place to visit.
Great pics


Assembly line. They get everything made up to their specs and assemble in house. Every wire and cable tie is specified as to position. They have mock ups of how everyrhing should be to the mm. Very impressive.


Maybe some small changes Mr Cohen!


It isn’t a Naim product - somebody just stuck a Naim badge on it.
It’s a robotic device that looks for deviations from a known good example of a unit with the lid off. It will flag any production unit that doesn’t optically match the one in its database.
Made made USRobotics, but programmed by Naim.



Naim don’t make the PCB boards themselves - they are made by specialist PCB manufacturers. Also, any surface-mount componentry on the PCBs is contracted out as Naim do not have either the space or anywhere near the volume of work required to make such a facility viable. They are, however, given thorough checks and testing in-house. Any through-hole componentry is done in-house though, as much of it is rigorously tested and selected by Naim prior to being accepted for use in the electronics.


Is the old machine that put the larger components on a pcb still there?

The robot probably wanted to fit in, all the other employees wear a logo at work so why not join them?


AFAIK the last ROBIN had to be retired some years back as it finally reached a point where nobody was left who could service it.


It sounds like you all had a great day out. It’s nice to see the photo of the aerials - I always look out for them when I’m passing on the A36.


Sorry to be late on this but have been busy since Thursday. Huge thanks to Mark, Jason and Richard for hosting us and to all the guys for making it a special day out. Fascinating and illuminating factory tour which really put many things in context.
Very much appreciated Steve Sells taking time out at the end of the day to answer our questions with candour. :grinning:


Glad you all seemed to enjoy your visit. Did anyone enquire about or was there any mention of Supernait replacement :thinking: :face_with_peeking_eye:

We didn’t have any conversation about a Sup ernait replacement, unless someone had a side conversation I wasn’t in.

My hope is that whatever was said on the tour, stays on the tour.

Some will no doubt call it misplaced brand loyalty but I hate it when Naim-related info, given in confidence, gets blurted out here.



There’s nothing to say about future equipment. There were areas out of bounds with R & D.

There is a desire for a Mk2 Statement project.

The 500 series was updated with the DR around 12 years ago.

At some point the 500DR and Statement will be refreshed. But no dates or specifics were given.


I checked with Richard and his view was that everything Naim shared with us on the day was fine to be shared in the forum, because Steve and the others were rightly not telling us anything confidential.


It seems that what the excellent guys at Salisbury would like doesn’t always get approved across the channel. A Statement Streamer has definately been worked on in R&D. That will be interesting when it eventually is released although out of my price range


It’s a big project and Naim have had to diversify with CI series, and other projects. The Unity and Muso products account for around 60% of revenue streams. The NC, Statement and the rest account for the rest.

Naim are owned by Vervent Group Audio and so it’s not down to Naim Audio what they release and what projects are given the go ahead.