Dan's thread

I can only echo the positive comments from others here Dan - keep up the fight!!


My very best wishes - stay strong! I know you will. Good to meet you after the factory tour in Salisbury.


Thanks everyone. I am spending today doing some work on the front of my house. Rendering repairs to start with! Just getting on with things as normal.


Hang on in here Dan, you are a fighter and with support get through these difficult times. Take care.


Hi Dan. I could certainly do without so much nose and ear hair, this possibly being the only upside to your situation. :grin:
But seriously tho, my wife and I are very impressed by your consistently positive outlook and unfaltering courage. We truly believe that positivity plays a big part in how one’s body copes with the associated stresses and healing.
@Pete_the_painter treats these setbacks the same way. You both have an impressive rescillience to these attacks on your bodies and it proves to the rest of us that fighting the unknown is worthwhile. Many of us wouldn’t have the initial courage without the path being lit by people like you.
Take care and, of course, thinking of you …


Thanks @david1111 but I don’t always feel that brave, it’s not hard to find yourself in a dark place. However I think most people react in the same way it’s human nature to fight for survival, you’d be surprised what you’ll endure.


Show off :joy:. My hair has done a runner! When I get a grade 1 the barber where I go always chuckles that I have more hair in me ears than on me head :joy:

Dan, I’m sure that everyone on here is sending you positive thoughts and vibes. Not that you need it. The world needs to take notice of you mate. Some days are tough at work, I come home catch up with my family, music and sometimes a beer or wine or two! I read your posts and you make everything better with your strength and determination. I am in awe of you. I talk about you to my wife. Which I fully expect the men in white coats to take me away considering I’ve never met you. Bizarre.

Give me a track, a date and time and I’ll play it loud out of respect for you. To me respect is not a right, it’s earned. You my friend have my complete respect. Man…you are Dan…a true fighter.

Now…that track Dan…give it to us!!!


I was particularly taken by the Hugh Masekela Coal Train track that Jason played on the Statement… Since the visit I’ve been playing the album, Hope, on Qobuz… I keep looking at various releases on vinyl, but they’re pretty pricey. I guess it’s only a matter of time and sufficient amount of wine one evening and I’ll have a copy.


Billy Idol. White wedding. Ultimate track for me.

Close second Fleetwood Mac Go your own way.

Both personal to me!


Do you have it on vinyl?

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Yes. Both on vinyl. Listening to Vital Idol album now. Love Flesh For Fantasy by Billy Idol as well. Brilliant production.


Having top end system now. Best is vinyl by a long way IMO.


Just don’t look at the prices on Discogs :scream_cat:

(YouTube video screengrab).

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Vital Idol - must have a listen - never had anything from Billy but White Wedding on vinyl.

Although my musical tastes have changed (far from matured!) there is so much stuff from the late 70s to mid 80s which really brings a smile to my face when I hear it on the radio.


I first heard that many years ago in the Naim room at the Brighton show. I think it was a 172+?pa into Ovator 400. I went out the following day and bought the CD. The rest of the album is pretty good as well!

Years later at the Bristol show, the guys played the London Grammar track “Strong”. Guess what I bought that same afternoon in Broadmead!

So when they get away from the “plinky plonky” audio show stuff, there are a few gems. The Bowie that Richard played on the new stuff during our visit last year, or “Sweet Child In Time” on a 500/Focal Grand F’uglies setup.


I see at Discogs at least one for 70 euros. 2 lps. It’s reasonable.

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I’ll have a look - thanks!

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Gosh I thought for a minute you were referring to Billy Idol - £0.04 was the lowest offer :worried:

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Who needs nasal hair mate. Itchy buggers.


Sorry that I couldn’t join the trip but I was at the factory a few years back so it didn’t feel appropriate. Would be good to catch up though if you feel up for it. PM me if you want. :+1:

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