Dan's thread

I was gearing up to post a smug message about how cheap it was on CD instead, but then I looked at Discogs. Spotify it is, then!


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As it’s originally a digital album, there is no much point to buy it in lp.
At that time I bought the double lp, but later I discovered that the hires version is sensibly similar.
If the cost would not exeed 40 euros, why not. But now the minimum is 70 euros, + vat + shipping.

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Are you referring to Hugh Masekela? I can find several references to the vinyl issues being all analogue.
Although each time I have heard it at a Naim demo it was introduced as a CD rip.

Yes, I was referring to the vinyl. Mine has no issues. I was not aware of that.

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They didn’t make you wear the blue visitors coats on the tour, did you have to put the shoe straps?


When you pop up on the 3rd.
Bring some vinyl with you that you like.
Plus, if anyone has anything they want us to play and review let us know.
I am sure Dan will take a few pic’s and probably let you all know how he found the sound.

Will be a great day, looking forward to seeing you both.
Cheers dunc


No shoe straps this time (well, last year on our tour). They’ve got a special “conductive” floor which was interesting.

Can’t remember the colour of the coats……but my own company had white coats for the AIT team, and blue for “visitors”; and because I was “project”, I had to wear blue! Unless I went in to the clean room cough unescorted :smiling_imp: , when I grabbed a white coat!

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Visions of @Skeptikal

Product Testing Department.


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Hey @Dan_M!

Nothing to really add, just from one person to another. How are you?


Hi @Dusty,

I’m doing pretty well overall. I have health issues and I feel well but the cancer has spread and has grown slightly in areas. Remaining positive and hoping for the best outcome.

System gives me a massive feel good factor no matter what life throws at me! Always a positive.

So keep spinning the discs and streaming. Doing my best and always hoping for the best. Life is for living! Keep everything going my friend!


Hair and beard growing back now. Feeling a bit more normal as a result.

Going away first thing in the morning to Dorset for a few days.

Looking forward to spending time with my family.


Got on the scales and have put on a stone. No bad thing I guess with these things! Expecially if I have treatments coming up.


Hi Dan glad you’re feeling better, putting on a bit of weight is certainly preferable to losing it right now. Also glad your hair has returned as well, I never lost any during chemo which is rather ironic considering I didn’t have any to lose. Best of luck for what comes next.

Enjoy your time away, take care.


Have a great break Dan, enjoy the countryside.


Have a great time



Dan! Pleased to see you are moving forward. On the hair front when I had my chemo following surgery for Pancreatic Cancer my curlyish hair went straight! It took many years before I began to get it back again. I did not lose any though. Also my surgeon, Mr Mudan told me that putting on weight is a positive sign. When you continue to lose or fail to put weight on is a time to be concerned.

Enjoy Dorset.


You are looking pretty good there, Dan. Great to hear you are feeling well and putting on some weight.

I am sure listening to great music on your superb system and having a break with your family will be a great tonic for you.

Stay strong, buddy.:+1:


Going to @Dunc this saturday with my number 2 son.

Will report back guys. Going up saturday morning. Taking some LPs.

It will be good for 2 Naim Forum Legends to meet up. You know all about us! We are both personalities. So we will have some interesting conversations!

We will send some pics to you all!


You share also some similar jobs, as you are a builder and Dunc is in the heating/ plumbing.
Find an electrician, and build a home :joy: