Dan's thread

The mind can affect your health. So I don’t agree with you. If you are stressed I believe it will make cancer worse. If you are happy and enjoying life I believe that mental health can affect the outcome.


No actually not. But it feels better.

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…. And feeling better leaves more energy to the body not spilled on bad mood et cetera.

So, come on Dan, I shall listen to some Russian Techno tonight in your honour.


Thanks my main man! :muscle:


That was a snooty comment Ardbeg, you if anyone should understand what I meant…

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Sorry Bjorn. I do understand but this is Dan’s topic and I’m here just to support him.


Me too, hence my post. There was a thought behind it, just out of compassion :heart:


Apologies, I know that, it was a poor choice of words.


You are all supporting me and @Bjorn is stating some facts that a positive mind has no bearing on cancer outcome and survival rate. There are studies showing that as well.

For me staying positive helps and the battle is mental as well as physical.

I am not sure about studies and I am not sure about this way of thinking. It certainly doesn’t help to be negative about things.

For me the way I do this is to do battle against cancer. It’s my will against cancer. Makes me feel better, stronger and more motivated.

Although studies may not prove it makes a difference, I believe that when people give up hope they shrivel.

I may be wrong! Who knows? Just got to keep going on this.




Yes, all positive thoughts are of course good, just want to say that you don’t have to feel guilty if you don’t “win”, so to speak. The very best :pray:


Many studies show that optimism and positive thoughts stimulate immunological resistance.
Continue like that :+1::fist_left::fist_left::fist_left::mechanical_arm:


I’m loving that and it’s where I am coming from :muscle: :100:


As a former cancer patient there is not an option to just go with it and accept it. It’s sh*t that’s what it is and best way to go through sh** is to set up a fight and beat it. The big fight is not physical, it’s mental. Sorry Bjorn but your are offside.


What kind of comment is that? It’s like you are talking to a brick. Come on.


That’s the only way to do it, Dan. I hope you’ll forgive a little diversion: when I was knocked off my bike in 2016 I was lying in hospital, having just come out of my induced coma and off the ventilator. I was awake for about two hours a day, and somehow I had my phone. I was looking up head injuries and recovery, and found an article by a US neuropsychologist that said that if you hold hatred for the person that caused the accident it would severely hamper your recovery. It must have triggered something as I’ve never felt anything negative against the 86 year old man who nearly killed me, despite the fact that he had diabetes and terrible eyesight, and had been told not to drive. His wife had dementia and he was her carer, hence why he was out in the car, as they’d been on a shopping trip together. I’d like to think that my positive attitude to it all has helped my brain to recover to the extent it has, even though things are very different to how they were before the accident. I’m a big believer in how the mind affects the body: there is so much we don’t know, and studies that today show that positive thinking cannot impact on cancer may very well one day be disproven. So keep smiling and enjoy the choons.


In my book, that’s a sign of respect. So…(Modified for clarity)

As some who’s in the middle of a fight to at least reach and stay in remission I’d say there’s no correct answer. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it, of course you need to be positive but you also need much more. You need support, a good medical team and luck.

I’m currently back in hospital (3rd time in 3 weeks) after complications after my last chemo treatment and catching the flu a few months ago. I was positive I’d turned a corner yesterday but unfortunately my body had other ideas and delivered to temp spikes in 2 hours last night.


I hope the medics get your temperature spikes under control soon and you are back home soon.


Sending best wishes Pete. I’m sure you know already, but remember all of us are behind you. Take time to embrace any opportunity for wellbeing and stay strong when the setbacks undermine that! :muscle: