Dan's thread

You were wrong Mike. Fighting fit this morning. The rest did me good. Have some faith in me ! :wink:


I’m truely impressed, well done young man.


Pleased you feel fighting fit. However, I would suggest that you take it easy today, maybe finish a bit early so you keep your energy levels high enough for the rest of the week. Hope you have a good day.


Can’t keep a good man down!
A bit cliched I know, but it would seem to be true in this case.
I would agree with the sentiment regarding finishing the physical stuff early though.
Perhaps schedule yourself a 3pm listening session😉

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I’m pacing it out now. Went out for breakfast with the plumbers. All good :+1:.


Are they a jazz band?



I feel a bit embarrassed, but we are not all brave like Dan and Pete.
In the midst of a NHS trial i volunteered for diabetes research with the NHS, i failed my bowel cancer test. The drug semaglutide side effects can give all the symptoms of Colon cancer. Bit of a scary ride, but the NHS were wonderful. I posted my poo sample on a monday, the same week that friday i got an appointment interview.
This morning i had the Colonoscopy, which went fine with no sedation.
Great news for me, I just have Diverticulisus, folds and pockets in the gut……nuisance for the moment.

Same brave people on the forum, and i met some more today❤️


I am pleased you got a better outcome than a cancer diagnosis, sorry to hear you have Diverticulisus.

As someone who has had a cancer diagnosis and facilitated a group for many who have one, I am always surprised at how many people discover they are braver and more resourceful than they expected and how some only realise this when they look back. I suspect you are being somewhat hard on yourself, you have just gone through a horrendous experience. In many ways, the initial tests and waiting for the test results are some of the hardest bits, as is going back for routine post-cancer checkups. The uncertainty around this is often called scanxiety by people living with or beyond cancer as they go through this stage of their cancer journey.


Thankyou……the wait which was not to long, but the mind plays games. This thread helped in staying more positive, than i could have been.


Had to check: No sure it’s the sort of stuff @Dan_M would listen to.:sunglasses:


Probably a brass outfit, it’s all those tubes😉


I was hoping for sounds of panflutes or panpipes from the plumbers. More of gurgling noises and whooshing sounds. Not too much noise from them, but lots from me! Banning bolts in.

Nice butcher’s breakfast and catch up.

Back at work after a feeling wasted at the weekend, for all the wrong reasons!


Great to hear Gazza on top of everything else that’s going on I’ve got an appointment with my bum doctor on Wednesday. :scream:

I’m already in the at risk category.

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We get a 2 year sample……after i stopped this trial drug for diabetes, after a week, i felt like a new man.
But the tests went ahead……great care.


Who doesn’t love a colonoscopy. :grin:


I don’t know whether you’ve has one before, but as someone with ulcerative colitis I’ve had the pleasure quite a few times. My advice to you is to ask for maximum sedation, ideally enough to knock you pretty much unconscious. Don’t believe those who say you don’t need sedation. I had one without sedation and had a dreadful panic attack, which led to all sorts of problems. Now, with sedation, they are really easy. The thing that always gets me is how much comes out your bottom end when the whole digestive system is emptied. Just make sure to drink loads and loads of water during the emptying process. After my recent colonoscopy, the tea and cheese sandwich was one of the nicest meals I’ve ever had.


I’ve had a few and definitely take knock me out please approach. I really couldn’t imagine the other option.

Thanks you just reminded me of the horrible stuff you have to drink first. I’d completely forgotten about that.

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It was 3 puffs on gas/air…….at the last push. I like to be in “control”….:joy:


You’re a frill seeker Gazza. :grin: