Dan's thread

Good morning @David. It’s been a.good week. Last weekend I felt tired and rough. This week I have done much better, feeling pretty normal. Your system is looking fantastic. Happy Sunday everyone!


Nice to read your post

best wishes


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Gazza, you may already be aware but the charity Guts UK has a lot of information about diverticulitis.

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Will check that out👍

Try www.conjunctivitus.com

That’s a site for sore eyes I tell ya.


I would not get too excited by that in itself.

You probably as a minimum have diverticular disease/diverticulosis which is simply the presence of these generally small ‘outpouchings’ of the bowel wall in the colon (large bowel). It is extremely common in Western society and something that tends to increase with age. Traditionally it has been taught that prevalence is far lower in countries with high fibre diets such as Africa, so increasing fibre has been a dietary strategy intended to prevent it getting worse.

Diverticulitis on the other hand refers to inflammation of these pouches which can become painful or be associated with changes in bowel habit. Occasionally the inflammation can worsen with local infection and even abscess formation or perforation but this does not happen in the majority of cases of simple diverticular disease, many people would not know they even had it without scans or colonoscopies/similar ‘camera’ tests. Bleeding secondary to inflammation is another potential complication which can mimic bleeding from more serious bowel problems. Occasionally chronic inflammation in a region of diverticular disease can also cause narrowing due to ’scarring’ of the bowel wall.

Sounds as though @Ian2001 was quite unlucky to have some of the more serious complications and I don’t doubt for a minute that those were quite severe for him from his comments.

Maybe have a chat with your GP or the study team to see whether the changes found were quite minor or suggested inflammation.

They were not too concerned, it was a mild case. I am on a repeat 2 year repeat screening, but have a phone number direct to the screening team, if i have any changes.

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Really sorry to hear that, sounds as though you were extremely unfortunate to have awful complications of a fairly common underlying condition.

I would in no way want you to think I was being dismissive of what you went through.

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Gee Diverticulitis something else I had to look up, never heard of it before. Hope you’re ok @Gazza thankfully it’s manageable. Watch your diet and take care. :+1:


They caused peritonitis ( a burst abscess on the intestine) . They operated on the Monday night or did the autopsy a little later.

The total cuts on the abdomen amounted to about metre after they used the same wound scarring three times .

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I wouldn’t worry about it,

It is a warning to eat more vegetables and less rubbish

I am sure that Dan will not object to this slight detour in other health matters

Best wishes



Hi @Dan_M
How’s your days going on … hope you find some time to feel good enough to listen to some music.
Keep up,

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Hi Dan, hope you continue to do well. Encouraged by your words about my system when I went to hear the Nova I decided to have a tinker to see if I could get more out of it. Isobariks are designed to be used close to the wall, and that’s how I’ve always placed them. However, having pulled them forward by ~40mm I’m getting better defined and deeper bass as well as better clarity. Quite startling actually. A good free upgrade.

Sometimes you need to hear something different just to make you appreciate what you have.

All the best.


I’m still doing good everyone. Looks like news about my illness is spreading through the forum and beyond. John at Audio T brought it up as Adrian is on the forum and heard about my health troubles. Hi Adrian! And hello to everyone at Audio T. I had a chat with John on the phone as my NDS got damaged and Naim I trying are to find an NDS fascia. The remote doesn’t work since the screen was replaced at Naim and there is a small chip which wasn’t there before on the fascia.

I have blood tests on friday and 2nd cycle of treatment starts on monday. I have had my hair cut short in anticipation of it falling out. Been 16 days since first cycle began.

Week one had lots of symptoms by week 2 hardly any symptoms and now no symptoms. The most difficult thing is the mind. This is a battle of wills. Woke up at 3am this morning having nightmares about dying. Looking at my body in a dream reduced to 5 stone in a hospice. These thoughts creep in unfortunately.

Anyway up and about and looking forward to the day ahead.

Listened to my system after work last night. Still thinking of upgrades but not acting on any impulses at the moment.


Yes, just part of life and the mind and mental obstructions being released. I’ve had death dreams for as long as I can remember.

Thanks for the update , pleased you are doing so well.


Best of luck Dan, thinking of you.


Dan we are all thinking of you and look forward to any updates as you see fit.



You have an absolutely top rate system. A Nova, although very good is just in a totally different realm to what you have. If anything I would get a 552 if I were you. Build it up! Not down. So what was Nova demo like?

I’m still planning my Radikal upgrade. Just waiting things out a bit to see if I do it soon or not.


After I moved to live in a tiny mountain town in the south of Spain, I got irritated by the lack of a decent hairdresser.

In the end, I bought some electric clippers and just keep it Phil Collins smooth.

Just think of all the dosh you’ll save. There’s always an upside! :wink:


Hi Dan,
I still consider myself a newbie on the forum, just wanted to chime in with my best wishes too. Just wanted to say that the whole forum is rooting for you and I’m joining everyone here in sending all the positive energy your way. I’m also thankful for your posts and wonderful messages, bringing everyone closer.