Dan's thread

Mike, I hope the hair loss is a temporary thing. I don’t intend to be permanently bald! :rofl:

I will embrace it though. And maybe I will like it.

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It hasn’t happened yet Dan, some people do get away with it. Not many, but you never know😉


Thanks Marty,

Some days I don’t know what to make of it all. It’s like pulling the rug from underneath you. I guess I don’t understand why this has happened to me!

Other days I feel positive and am fighting the fight. It’s all mind stuff, more than physical.

But the support on here is wonderful and I am grateful to you all for that!

Thanks guys! And enjoy the music.


Noticing small amounts of hair shedding, or maybe I am just looking for it. No clumps yet, just odd hairs coming out so far.


I hear you Dan, it’s completely ok to think about it that way sometimes. The other times, we just continue with the fight.
Music is a real treat and it’s such a joy to be able to share our journey in music, this strange thing that bunch of sounds make us feel. I get lost in that too :slight_smile: . Back to earth now :slight_smile:

Cheers Dan, but I’m not looking to spend much on hifi in the next year or three. Kids at uni :face_with_peeking_eye:

The Nova was good, the 222/250 was better. Neither would satisfy me at the moment for sure though. My dealer should be bringing the 222/300 for me to try at home, but at the moment I feel that’d be a sideways move at best. Content to tinker for now.

All the best.

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I was hoping that about 25 years ago but I was wrong. :grin:

From what I’ve read there’s a good chance it will bth it’s a small price to pay to get better. Best of luck, take care.


Mark, I just don’t see how that can possibly be a sideways move. You have active system with 3 x 250DRs, equivalent or close to a 500 system. A 222 300 250NC system won’t touch your system.

A 332 300 2 x 350 will be more equivalent. You’re best off leaving it all as it is and enjoying the music.


Mrs Ebor did a specific trip to her hairdresser (at the hairdresser’s suggestion) just as she started to notice chemo hair shedding. She had it all cut off intentionally before the chemo did it for her - I think this helped give her a tiny sense of control over the situation. The hairdresser also did it for free, which was emotionally appreciated.

Not suggesting you should or shouldn’t do likewise, of course, just sharing her approach if it helps.

Prayers, love & music, as always,



Good evening Dan,

As I have said before, your courage is terrific - and I don’t mind saying it again. In the midst of it all, you are still listening to the sounds and giving sage advice to others. Perhaps it’s a kind of therapy for you, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Maybe on some days, you really won’t feel like writing to the old blokes here - and that’s fine, but we’ll all still be sending the Good Vibrations.

Re. the hair. Mr Morrison and Mr Santana seem to favour the little hat, but I think that the bandana is much more dashing and rock 'n roll. Doubtless, others will have strong views on this matter - it wouldn’t be the Naim forum if there weren’t strong views!

Best wishes,

Brian D.


I lost it first at the back. I’m guessing due to laying on the pillow. I waited bit too long to shave it off so I got big bits of hair in my hands in the shower. Not that nice. Anyway, it grows out couple of months after you have had the last chemo. And the first hair is like baby hair. It took me around a year to get back to what it was pre chemo. Some also get more curly hair when it grows back but mine became more or less identical. Keep going!


I was thinking along the line of hearing the the 222/300 vs the 252/Scdr. I’m not changing the rest. :grin:

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A 332 300 would be more in keeping with what you have. 222 300 is maybe a slight downgrade on 252 Supercap but very useful with streaming.


I have ordered clippers yesterday as hair is now falling out in clumps at a rate of knots. It’s been quite distressing. You know it’s going to happen but the reality of it happening is distressing nevertheless.

I am sure I will get used to it. Shaving it off will be better anyhow. Chemo starts again on monday. Cycle 2 of 6.


Listening to Joni Mitchell live now. Really doubt I need to spend any money on upgrades as it’s sounding pretty amazing.

All the best mate.


Hi @Dan_M

If you agree, please give your contact details to @Richard.Dane to pass on to me.

Best Regards

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All the best Dan. When I had my first dose of Cancer I had chemo as a follow up to the operation - Full Whipple. I had longish hair which was naturally curly. My hair thinned out but I was fortunate in that it did not fall out in clumps and I did not go bald. What it did do was to go straight! It has taken about 15 years or so to begin going curly again. Bizarre!


I was recently told that I couldn’t have had chemo as my hair didn’t fall out. A fair few chemo drugs don’t cause hair loss but do have other delightful side effects for you to reminisce about after they have been effective.

I had chemoradiotherapy previously. My hair didn’t fall out. This is straight chemotherapy and was told my hair would fall out. I shaved it this morning in front of my 3 year old son so it wouldn’t be such a shock!


Yes I am agreeable to that @Richard.Dane.