Download now available for Naim Streamers

That’s hopeful. Happened to me before where an update failed and a power cycle made the update restart and then it was fine. Good design there by Naim to keep the update file around for a retry.

Hope this fixes it.

Well the good news is that it did. All is now well.

Anyway, thanks again for your help.


Awesome news!! Glad to hear.

Can happen, computers can be fiddly :laughing:

Enjoy the Hi Res!

My fingers are crossed for you as well. I think/hope it’ll correct itself. I’m sure you can do a factory reset as a last resort

What do you mean with “powercycle”?
Just pull out the powercord and wait an hour and plug in or plug in while press the on button?
I’m waiting the blue light (updating) for hours now and still no update and not vissible in app and on MacBook…

Factory reset with that pin at the back won’t work overhere.
After pressing 10 seconds with pin the light doesn’t get orange…

Well, in my case, it amounted to powering down the PS (XPS/DR).

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Naim used to have a troubleshooting guide on their website but I can’t find it any longer. Hopefully another ND5xs2 user will come along. I’m almost out of suggestions for you. Are you having any network issues that may prevent the firmware from being downloaded? Just a WAG

No network isues before and after.
This Naim streamer just can’t update/find my network again.
Strange, I played music this morning, no troubles at all. This afternoon I looked for the update, pressed update and all went wrong.
Streamer is just 1 month old!

I wonder if anyone is going to comment on whether they can actually hear the difference now they can play Tidal Max? :thinking:


Mine took quite a while to update, and I came close to posting as I saw blinking lights. But then - all was well.

I’d unplug it, wait for 1 minute. BTW I did find the guide that used to be online. It has some troubleshooting tips: indicator meanings etc.

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The announcement from Naim concerning the 272 is quite frustrating. I feel let down by the company. Having purchased the 272 six years ago, I now find myself unable to utilize the optimal Tidal service. While I wish to refrain from using harsh language, it’s challenging not to think of some choice words for Naim.

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While I can understand your frustration, one also has to see this in context. Even 6 years is a long time for connected devices, and the 272 has been around longer than that. What other connected “computer” can you name that still fully supports the newest digital streaming technologies 10 years later?


Raspberry pi?

Lindemann Bridge II. Digital out to digital in on 272/NDS. Turn it on. Done and “future proof”.

Hi, I started the update over 1 hour ago on my NDX2. It still seems to be updating. Power light is flashing in a 4-2-2 sequence. As someone who works in IT experience is telling me to be patient. Device is not visible in App.

When the update starts there is mention of 15 minutes so i’m slightly concerned! Previously I had a Nova which updated perfectly every time.

If anyone else has completed the update on an NDX2 an indication of how long it took would be helpful

6 years ago the ND5XS2 and NDX2 had just been launched, so at that point the 272 tech had been superseded.

naim have said the new internet radio service will eventually arrive on legacy devices, which shows they are still supporting these devices where they can. This is to be commended.

For Tidal Max on a 272 simply use the mconnect app, which is what we do with our SuperUniti. It works great!

Or, as others are recommending, add an external streamer which will give you access to all “modern” services as well as a likely SQ upgrade.


An hour is too long. And that light sequence means the unit is reporting an error with that error code.


You can customize your ‘computer’. Why doesn’t Naim offer modifications for the 272? :slight_smile: