Download now available for Naim Streamers

Didn’t time it but mine can’t have been any more than 15 minutes.

Because the hardware network stack limitations of the 272 can’t handle the higher bandwidth with encryption encoding type ( AES 128 or 256 CBC) used by tidal max, other than baseline 44.1/16, without additional memory and latency… but even then buffer exhaustion would be likely.

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Customize yes but not upgrade endlessly. And the reason I put it in quote marks is cause it’s more a computer in the sense an iPhone is. You can’t turn an iPhone 10 into an iPhone 16.


@PaulHofstra definitely the thing to do is to take the power off your ND5 XS2, wait a few seconds, then turn the power on again. It’s most likely that the streamer will start up and either redo the update or finish off the one you started before.

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Yeah… I gave up watching the flashing lights after about an hour and powered down and up my XPS/DR. After that the download restarted and, happily, proceeded to a successful conclusion.

I figure that after an hour a power down is gonna be unavoidable anyway, if only to take it back to the dealer for Naim’s attention.

It won’t started up and neither redid the update or finished off the one I started before. It just has a blue light and the stanby knob turns green and off every 4 seconds. Powered and unpowered (hour) 3 times. It just don’t update and work anymore.
I return to my Naim dealer this afternoon.

After switching off and then on again after 5 minutes all seems fine. Latest firmware installed.

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Nice to hear! Enjoy!

Similar to my own experience.

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Updated my Nova yesterday. Everything worked perfectly from the start!

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I will stay away from the update for now. This update crashes are too risky for me.


Just to be sure… it’s not for the Core…

Hi Drago,

I think the issues have been with other streamers? My update went with no issues at all, and it was really quick. Don’t know if it makes any difference but my ND555 is just a few months old, also my NDX2 which my brother has now, updated no issues. Guess it depends how much you want HiRes on Tidal?

The Radio update is quite nice, but I don’t really listen to much radio so can’t say how much better it is from before, looks nice though :slightly_smiling_face:


No it’s just for some of the streamers. The Core had an update a little while ago.

I did the update and it seems it crashed.
Just brought it to my dealer who also couldn’t do anything. So they would send it to Naim. Hopefully quick repair or switch to new one, it was just 5 (!) weeks old!

Sorry to hear this from a fellow ND5XS2 user to another.


Strange. I thought they build code so this cannot happen today meaning you can always fall back whatever state you get into.

Why couldn’t the new features be accessed via a software update to avoid firmware failures?

Absolutely. It’s not even that subtle if the mix/master were done well, some of the 24bit tracks streamed natively are stunning. I do think it’s possible Naim did some extra magic than just turning Max on.

Give that one a comparison if you can.

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Hmm, interesting :thinking:. Love the idea of extra magic :grinning:

Looking forward to more views on it.

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