English Premier League Season 2023/24

Um, who won at Chelsea?

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Whoops :sweat_smile: edited to show true result

I just couldnā€™t imagine them losing from there


I guess ETH couldnā€™t imagine it either, he looked a bit shocked in his post match interview

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The most expensive and worst Chelsea team in over 20 years got a very lucky win over the most expensive and worst Man United team in over 40 years. Both managers hugely over-rated, the players woeful individually and collectively (with the exception of Garnacho and Palmer). Last night a glaring reminder at just how far both have fallen, though an enjoyable spectacle for neutrals and ManU-haters.


Donā€™t hold back, Steve. What do you really think ?


I write as a hugely frustrated ManU supporter. After watching another set of muppets on the Apprentice, I switched over to the match at 90 minutes with ManU 3-2 up. The final few minutes was staggering in its ineptitude, but apparently was an accurate cameo of both teamsā€™ defensive performances throughout the match.

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It is our own fault that we lose but letā€™s not forget 2 of the softest penalties for Chelsea that wouldā€™ve never been given to us

Although Iā€™m no fan of Man Utd that Dalot penalty was ridiculous he fell over completely by accident never a penalty for me.

Interesting post on a Spurs forumā€¦

"I used to regularly go and watch games but then life took over, kids came along and circumstances changed, so I havenā€™t been able to go for bloody years.
Itā€™s not just the ticket prices that have stopped me going, itā€™s the cost of everything else.

Itā€™s a shame because Iā€™d love to take my son to the ground but just canā€™t afford it.
The disparity between the ā€œhavesā€ and ā€œhave notsā€ is constantly increasing and as sad as it maybe, football is a part of that.

Weā€™re Spurs fans and always will be but I take my kids to watch my local team these days and we watch Spurs on the telly.
My kids get in free to the local club, it costs me 8 quid and we can walk there. For just my son and I to go to Spurs, Iā€™d be looking at about 200 quid or more and I just canā€™t justify that expenditure for an afternoon with just one of my three kids.
Itā€™s almost become two different games."

Are we getting to the point where going to Premier League football matches is only for the richer part of society ?


I read somewhere that Levy is cancelling the over-65s concessionary discount on season tickets, which seems rather mean-spiritedā€¦


Remember our roots Kevā€¦

I can say no more :rofl:

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Typical of Levy. This money-grabbing ethos with many clubs in the PL carries a risk in the longer term. While times are good I suppose high ticket prices that canā€™t be afforded by the genuine fans will be paid by the ā€˜tourist fansā€™. In the longer term, though, pricing out the dads and their kids could come back to haunt those clubs because itā€™s those sort of fans that follow a club regardless of form. If a ā€˜kidā€™ gets to see a live game of their local club the bug can bite and that kid becomes a life-long fan. It happened to me at Pompey, Iā€™ve seen it happen to my son and my eldest grandson. Levy and co need to be thinking carefully about nurturing the core fan-base who will be needed way beyond the owners/CEOsā€™ tenure at the club.


100% right MDS. Forgetting the grass roots supporters, thereā€™s a possibility of losing the very soul of the club.

Oooh nasty, sorry to hear that MDSā€¦ :grinning:


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Iā€™m not sure the rules allow for deliberate versus non-deliberate contact? The fact is that Dalotā€™s slip inadvertently tripped up the Chelsea player, and prevented a very real goal-scoring opportunity. Definite penalty for me, and Iā€™ve no idea why it took VAR so long to decide.

The cost of watching any sport live is becoming a major problem everywhere. But it canā€™t be a surprise when you consider how much weā€™re paying of the players these days, the PL is a prefect example. Some of those players earn more in an afternoon than most of their fans earn in a year. Also the cost of security at these games must be crippling I tried to count the men and women in yellow the other day and lost count. Maybe if some fans behaviour wasnā€™t so poor you wouldnā€™t need as many stewards.

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The number of stewards will be a health and safety issue and there will be a minimum amount needed a ratio per person required by law thankfully occurrences of bad behaviour and hooliganism are very, very rare these days.

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Well they seem to be concentrated between the home supporters and visitors to me, thereā€™s a row going all the way up.

On my way to Selhurst hosting Citeh :grimacing:

Sitting at home TV on and may well alternate between the CP game and the derby at Carrow Road. As a Leeds fan I hope Norwich stick a few past Ipswich. Hilary has headed up to sadlers wells for a matinee so carte blanche to watch a bit of footie and then champions cup rugby :+1:

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