English Premier League Season 2023/24

Please do not accuse me of something I haven’t done. I have not called you racist.

I was referring to the vile chant of racist Arsenal fans about Ange.

I did not mention you, other than it was you who posted it on this thread. This is a fact.

Anyway arse anal can now focus on 3rd and plenty of sky awards. Although I haven’t heard much bragging about those beauties this year. Focus must of been else where


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Difficult for them to win any awards at the moment - I think the Arsenal players are too ill. It’s Aprilitis. They get it every year.


Also as you enjoy posting so much about Arsenal and almost all of your posts are about your dislike of them then maybe you could start up your own thread ‘ I Hate Arsenal’ or ‘Hate Arsenal With Me’ that you way you get to vent all your anger along with any other Arsenal haters of which there are more than a few on this forum alone.

Alternatively there are many YouTube channels dedicated to the hatred of Arsenal some even started by fellow Spurs supporters where they have so called ‘Hate a Longs’ when they all get together and watch Arsenal matches hoping they lose.



I would join, but there’s a ten year waiting list.


I’ve said my piece do not call me a racist again

David I don’t think you’ll find a post where I’ve personally insulted another member but your entitled to your view.


Very funny Kev I’ve had my six monthly bite though.

I’ve said my piece, stop wrongfully accusing me of something.

And again BTB you miss the point…I am referring to the fact that you both like to have a go at other clubs, your focus being Man C and WW Arsenal…I suspect thou I may be wrong WW posts are in the main tongue in cheek / playing up to the stereotype that as a Spurs fan he should dislike Arsenal (Other than the racist chant). I am not sure there are many if any Arsenal haters (hate is a strong word) on this forum, merely people trying to have some ‘banter’, i.e. Sky Awards / The bottlers etc…the more successful your team becomes the thicker skin you will require…take it as a compliment…life is short, enjoy it.

P.S try being a Chelsea supporter* these past two years😳

  • I believe I am a supporter by @Andyblain measure, i.e I am a season ticket holder.
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With both The Tartan Diego Simeone’s Massive Euro Cup Winning Cockney Bastards and Liverpool having huge mountains to climb this evening, the night may end with Villa as the only English club left in Europe… :grimacing:

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I hope not. I’m meant to be at a BBQ in a few weeks time, and if villa get through tonight, their game against us gets rearranged to the same day.

So hoping Lille come through

Apologies to any Villa fans. I’ve a soft spot for Villa ever since the euro cup many years ago. But my tummy comes first !

Given Villa is owned by V Sports, a company owned by the Egyptian billionaire Nassef Sawiris, the American billionaire Wes Edens & American investment company Atairos, English seems tenuous at best?

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You are indeed David. You meet the criteria :rofl:

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I do think I am only National League level vs your Premiership level of support :sunglasses:

That doesn’t matter David. It’s all about supporting “your” team. You’re either in or you’re out, and we’re both in :+1::black_heart::white_heart:

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So, despite the oft-quoted hype about the Premier League supposedly being the best in Europe, England has only 1 team out of 12 semi-finalists in the three European competitions, and none out of 8 in the top two competitions.
As well as being disappointing in itself, it also virtually removes any chance of England having an additional fifth entry into next season’s Champions League.
Apart for Aston Villa (the only success), only Man City can consider themselves extremely unlucky. Generally, teams have significantly underperformed.
Any ideas on what’s gone wrong?

I think the Premier League at the moment is over-rated. Let’s be honest, going out of Europe to the likes of a poor Bayern and a mediocre Real tells a tale.

Some say that the closeness of the teams in the PL run-in and the rise of teams like Villa show the league is getting stronger. I disagree.

City have not been strong or dominant this year because they have simply not played all that well. Liverpool have not completed their rebuild yet, Man. U. and Spurs have a lot of work to do building their teams. Chelsea too are a pale shadow of their former selves and need major surgery.

This all means that a fairly average team like Arsenal are made to look like prime Real.

The top of the Prem. has never looked so weak. But, it won’t stay that way. There will be major rebuilds over the summer. City, Liverpool, United, Chelsea and hopefully my lot will get stronger. Teams like Newcastle may also join the ‘elites’. Others like Arsenal and Villa may drift back into the pack.

Of course, all this depends on which coaches are in charge over the summer and next season. As I mentioned earlier, there are some coaches that are not good enough and need moving on.