English Premier League Season 2023/24

And you David it’s 2023 c’mon just be yourself nobody will judge you. Just get that new bright green Arsenal away kit on and feel the freedom of finally being who you really are. A Gooner.

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Freedom or loss of sense​:thinking: will stick with blue and white for both my teams :sunglasses:

And you KK stop pretending you can finally be who you want to be imagine how it would feel to finally say I’m Prince Patrick Viera.

@Wugged_Woy @keanoking …I think @Bobthebuilder has lost it or it could be argued he lost it a long while ago looking at the dates of some of the tickets he has been posting :flushed::joy:


Look you can carry on with that repression if you like it’s just not healthy though set yoursel free

I am currently watching West Ham so feel free as I need to at this stage :sunglasses:

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The criteria are, for the avoidance of doubt:-

Supporters actually attend the matches.

Fans don’t. But they may watch them on the telly.

I can’t be clearer than that. * No correspondence will be entered into :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Brilliant goal that David. Full length of the pitch.

@TheKevster must be in hammers heaven at the moment

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Jackson will be a star. The force is strong in that one. Hopefully he’ll not be playing the best years of his career in the North West!

Chelsea have been a mess since shortly after TT arrived and before the Russian thing, building on the slightly lesser mess of the Sarri years. I firmly believe we are in slightly less of a mess just now, as long as someone can stop Todd and his crew whipping out the chequebook. Otherwise I fear we will be bitten a few years down the line…

Our style of play has been massively heartening since Poch arrived at least, at last we spend much of the games on the front foot instead of this ridiculously negative, no pace, play the back pass and rebuild, nonsense while looking for the perfect goal which rarely happens.


Don’t be fooled. They are his Dad’s…


Agree with all thou we do need to find another gear other than super fast in our play. In light the (majority of ) guys met 6 weeks ago in a car park I think we are doing ok in what I suspect will be another transitional season.

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Romero still calls VdV ‘Lofty’ and VdV calls Romero ‘Little Squirt’.

They’ll learn the real names soon.

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So we have Champions of Europe at the top of the Premier League!

Who would have thought it?

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I’m just having this lovely dream in which we are doing a number on our bogey team away with 18% possession, and are top of the PL.

So nobody wake me up please!


And now top of the league which by default means your above ‘the bottlers’ :flushed::joy:

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My biggest fear (mentioned earlier), came to fruition. :grin:

Enjoy it, Kev.

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My Dad is Man U supporter and that’s the third time you’ve called me a liar you really are a typical Spud who always goes too far and gets personal.

It’s football banter, it’s supposed to be good natured and fun but time and again you over step the mark and get personal.

So I’m going to ignore you and you should ignore me too I cannot be fairer than that. If your intention is to win som weird competition of really winding me up then you’ve won well done mate. I hope you’re happy

Chill out. You called me a Gooner… twice.

So I am lying about being a Spurs fan (I was careful there, Andy) am I ?

Banter is banter and there was absolutely nothing malicious about my post. It was a leg-pull. I know today was a bad day for Arsenal fans, but you do seem to take things way too personally.

That guy Lego Head gave us £105m for was obviously holding us back… :rofl: