Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

A few days on with the cheap try-out Cat 5 cable it’s pretty clear. In my system, the ND5 XS2 sounds way better wired than wireless. And not by a small margin.

The very first impression was that it sounded a bit thin and cold but that lasted only a few minutes. A lot of the usual audio vocabulary applies. Tighter, more controlled, larger and more precise imaging, texture, better dynamics… I can stop. It sounds better in every aspect. My naive initial hope of just slipping the streamer in my Fraim, enter the wifi password and I’m done is out the window. D*mn…

So now I’m off into the woods for a few months figuring out and pulling cables, topology, probably slip in a switch etc. etc. The Ms. - quite experienced - already saw the weather forecast. “So you’re just buying this streamer-thing right?” along with that yeah sure look. AAaarrggghhh!! :relaxed: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hi Mike , I’ve been using a BT WiFi extender for the last year or so and it works perfectly . Originally I connected it direct into my Streamer with a 2 metre Meicord ethernet cable but recently I’ve added an EE switch which was very beneficial . I now have a Blue Jeans cable into the switch and the Meicord into the streamer . I also have 2 Blue Jeans cables from the switch into my TV and Sky box .

Thanks @Pete.T that’s useful. I think I’m going to press the button on the TP-link with some cheap ethernet and see what happens. Assuming the wi-fi strength is good (and it should be) then it should be worth it for the drop in noise alone.

If it does as I hope then my next step is either non Naim amp or one of the two smaller Innuos boxes i.e. the rep locker of the ethernet switch.

I’m not sure what a Vonet is, but if it has short ethernet lead, you could always use a female to female coupler and add an extra length of cable to it.

Good call but for fifty quid I may as well get a decent repeater.

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Wi-Fi streaming sounds pretty good at least on the NDX 2, still prefer a ethernet cable because I can tune the system more to my taste.

Some progress in getting my network and cabling set up properly for streaming. I figured out the configuration that makes the most sense in my house.

There will an EE8 switch next to the ISPs modem/router at the switchboard. From the switch a 13 mtr/43 ft. run Cat7 cable straight into the streamer on the first floor. This will be in-wall using the pipe that currently carries a coax for the tuner (the tuner is gone). Two Apple Time Capsules for wifi on the 1st & 2nd floor will be on EE8 too using the Cat5 cables that are already there. All neat and tidy with no extra cables or boxes in the living room.

I’m 90% sure I’ll opt for the AQ Carbon CAT700 installation cable with Telegärtners.

I ordered the EE8 yesterday, together with an ifi Power X SMPS. There might be room for future upgrades here but I think this should be a decent starting point.

When my Naim boxes are out for service 2 or 3 weeks from now, I’ll install the cable and switch and hook things up. In the meantime I will slip the switch in somewhere to give it some burn in time before the final install.

Can’t wait! :blush:


You could add FS (dot com, not fscables) to the list. Competitively priced, and offering all colours and lengths. Have used them successfully both in the DC and at home.

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The way we do it is to use the EE only for the hifi. Everything else connects into the router, with a little Netgear for the Mac, printer etc. The EE is very simple and I’d keep all the wifi stuff away from it. It may just be paranoia but it seems the right thing to do. We use an ageing AirPort Extreme as our router, with the Virgin hub set as modem only.

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I’ve just changed out my printer to wireless & now have everything in the house - except hifi - on wireless.
Set up is BT SmartHub-2 & extender Disc that feeds 3x TV’s, printer, portable web-radio/streamer, security stuff and obviously phones, laptops & tablets.
My initial concern was TV performance, particularly the streaming programs, but never had a problem.
I like the idea of the hifi only on one switch, probably kidding myself but if I can do it why not.
I have one single BJC Cat6 from the BT SH2 down to the Cisco switch & MeiCord Cat6’s to NAS & NDX
I’ve tried the NDX on wireless, I was not that enthusiastic but tried it out of curiosity. My hesitancy was justified, I was not convinced with SQ & it had an occasional connection problem.

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Ah yes of course… (bang head) That makes much more sense. :roll_eyes: I’ll keep the Apple TCs on the modem/router and use the EE8 for audio only. Thank you @anon4489532 !

A router “sound signature” seems very possible - if Ethernet cables and switches can make an audible difference, then why not the other components like routers - and in my case, 4G broadband over wired broadband ?

Incidentally, still waiting for someone with fixed broadband AND a 4G router to test that one out….

Argyle_Mikey, for what it’s worth I tried using my router in PPPoE and Bridged modes. I expected Bridged to sound better as it eliminates the need to have physical connection to the my fiber optic modem. But it sounded worse, with drastic reduction in resolution and woolly bass. What a mystery haha

Since my last post I upgraded my speakers cables to Audioquest Robin Hood Zero. It’s funny how the Audioquest Vodka Ethernet brings much more drama and scale to the sound, when used in conjunction with the SR Delta. It sounds a little bit too “hot” but overall a pretty big step up from the QEDs I had - am currently testing some 13A plug fuses and found that they do alter the sound profiles significantly with the MS HD Gold fuse reining in the “hotness” but at the expense of PRAT.

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Interesting as I’d have thought the same. Your experiment is probably more akin to the wired vs wireless debate than my current 4G vs Broadband obsession :smile:

Whatever, Tidal Masters sounds great through this set up, although there’s plenty of room to tweak just yet.

Huawei E5186s (4G) → Supra Cat8 → Linksys SD205 → Catsnake CAT6a

Likewise @Timbo. The ‘snakes work for me too. :+1:

@drago I believe Sigma can be more similar to Entreq Olympus. This is what is said about Olympus which is still my favourite which I very much agree on. I see you wrote PN was bit bass heavy when you first got it. Is this still the case with Sigma? What cable do you have from router to PN?

The Olympus is voiced in the same way as the Apollo but it simply gives you more of everything the Apollo does well. It is endlessly detailed and incredibly natural, never forced or forward.

The organic, analog sound of the Olympus cable sets it apart from other digital cables with their harsh digital edge.

Yep, completely agree. That’s exactly how I would describe Sigma. I had a two or three hour session last night that just took me to places I’ve never been with realism. The bass shape with Sigma is astonishing. It’s the natural balance I can’t get over. Just perfect.

The thing I still can’t understand is how it exploits my LPS so well? I listened to it on my SMPS and it sounds okay then switched to the LPS and it was BOOM the venue was suddenly there. I just don’t get it.