Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

Not necessarily true. Like the need for switches in the first place it’s entirely system dependent.


Any retail in Sweden selling these?

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes,.Classic Design Scandinavia.

This Elite-switch uses in total five linear powersupplies,.I think that makes it unique in the market.
Four in total for the switches and one for the OCXO-clock.
The result is almost an absolute analogue sound,.is my feeling in my system.
The manufacturer also recommends below…

• Stacked 1000 & 100 Mbps
switch for lower noise floor
• dedicated synchronised
OCXO clock for both switches
• Ultra-low RMS noise and
Ultra-high PSRR linear powersupply
• 5 x linear power supply (2x 2
for switches, 1x ocxo clock)
• Nichicon and Panasonic
Audio grade low ESR capacitors
• PPS high-frequent
decoupling capacitors
• Schottky Rectifier Diodes
• Medical grade static
shielded transformer
• Standard with rhodium
plated Furutech IEC inlet
• Ceramic Fuse
• Hand made in the Netherlands

The picture below shows the two internal switches on the back of the Elite.
Connecting the upper switch line from the router,.which is at 1000 Mbit.
The connection in the lower switch line,.which is 100 Mbit, goes to the streamer.
100Mbit is optimal for the best possible soundquality.


Ahh I didn’t realise Lasses and Classic design are joint companies. That explains some things :slight_smile:

Hi @Peder
Yes, I have owned both switches. In fact, I owned two EE8 (trying 2 switches in series) at one time. As is always the case, the above statement is just my opinion, for what it is worth. :blush:
However, I have always bought and lived with the items I have a opinion on, and not for some short shop or home demonstration.
I find some of the descriptions on here, about how much the sound quality increased with certain items, very hard to relate too. Then again, each to his own. :blush:


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes,.they are really tight now :grin:.
But it is Mats at Classic Design who is more responsible for the digital side.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks for your clarification.
A very serious approach that I value and respect highly,.to do as you do…
Expresses yourself about things you have tried/had yourself.

I have proceeded systematically according to @Blackmorec’s recommendations,.and with this I have gotten a bigger difference between certain products than before.

This is all very interesting, but is not really addressing network improvements for audio, rather it appears to be focussing on the serial clock stability and possibly reducing common mode noise which is where we were 10 to 15 years ago… which I can agree can be helpful when connecting to streamers with compromised decoupling, and can help reduce carrier phase noise emissions from unshielded Ethernet cables… but where are things like configurable IGMP snooping and configurable DSCP control, and 802.3az EEE, all important considerations in actually optimising an ethernet network for audio… and even conformance with IEC 60601-1 EMC standards would be a useful statement on the none network aspects… such as physical emissions from the network device etc.

If network optimisation for audio is part of their product could you share the specs?

Optimising a network to work in a way of reducing network processing side effects in terms of connected audio equipment is environment and equipment dependent… and so you will need configurable devices to help achieve that… otherwise you don’t know what is happening or how to achieve a specific outcome… and it’s like staggering around with a blindfold on… ie hit and miss.


I have also had ee8 and PN at the same time - clear winner in my case.

No - not a 4th one … or… may the forth be witch you :joy:

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I have enough of streaming evaluation for now. Immensely enjoying Ansuz D2 Powerswitch with Entreq Olympus Ethernet hooked up to a ground box. Pretty sure EE8 is out of the picture now so it’s a fight between Phoenixnet and D2. Monday it’s time.


I’m pretty sure by now that the D2 ethernet cable at least is not staying since I prefer Entreq Olympus RJ45 + Olympus Ten Tungsten on the D2 Powerswitch. The Entreq has bit less top end details but instead a more earthy, organic, natural sound to it which makes me stop many times a day and think “wow it sounds so beautiful”. More tone and body. The D2 cable is technically the better with more details and such but I try to live with the gear I have on trial and play music almost full day mixing serious listening with system playing in the background. Sometimes loud and sometimes very soft. I have noticed that when there is synergy I can hear the music in the other end of the house and still think “wow it sounds so perfect”.

I’m not so much for rapid AB testing. It’s just stressful and my mind is so focused on details doing so that it’s easy to forget musicality and long term enjoyment. I’ve been fooled before doing so so I’ve changed the way I select gear these days and it seems to work better, at least for me :slight_smile:


Are you ditching the EE8/Farad 3 setup?

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Decision to be made :blush: Phoenixnet tomorrow which might turn everything upside down :smile:

However the EE8 and Farad3 is IMO very good. I would not stress it if that is what one have. The D2 switch digs out more micro details I’m assuming by removing more noise and it sounds very relaxed with the most beautiful bass tones. This with Entreq Ethernet.


Fine - this is exactly as I had felt between diamond and sigma !
I am very much looking forward how PN is doing.
Think you will like the ansuz more, as the PN is soundwise more on the entreq side and will be more the organic than the resolution focused player. But…


Maybe PN and Ansuz Ethernet is a great match then :see_no_evil:

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Or shunyata sigma :rofl:


My god the Ansuz D2 powerswitch is good :raised_hands: So much air and separation and definition I get goose bumps all over.

PN is nervous in the store waiting for pickup tomorrow.


Switching between switches. Warming up. But from the first notes I can tell PN is different from D2. It for sure has more bass than D2. More earthy and organic. More lush. More NDS. Border line loudness switch sometimes but that’s in my setup. Maybe it tightens up a bit in the bass coming days. Or else I will have to move the speakers a bit.

Gonna be interesting days to come because as I understand it will change a lot when warming up. (Used unit)


Started playing Brothers in arms now and had to fight tears from coming. Not sure what that means…… !

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