Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

Emotional imbalance?:sweat_smile:


Switch fatigue?




Bank Balance!


Just realized I don’t even own a switch and still some songs bring tears to my eyes. Don’t know about Dire straits though😅. I wonder what would happen if I got one?

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You would start to appreciate Dire straits and


@drago I was emailing on a Sigma on the German site but he regretted selling it when he pulled it out and noticed how beautiful it sounded

How’s the bass on Sigma compared to other cables you’ve tried? Sometimes I wonder how you can fit all bass in your room :smile:

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Today the system sound like it never has, and all in a good way. I don’t think I usually use superlatives but here they would surely make sense.


A PN in your system would be amazing me thinks.


D2 and PN is rather different. It’s amazing how a switch can alter the sound like it does IMO. D2 more neutral and faster with more PRaT and PN more warm and more body. More romantic. This with Entreq Ethernet cable which I would say is slightly on the warm side of neutral.

Is it just a very expensive EQ? :smile::see_no_evil:


I’ve been advised to use a sister to the EE8 the Nuprime Omnia (a bit modified by my friend) and with the power supply for the Lindemann. It has 2 outlets. He has also modified the PN. He obviously think it needs some tweeks😅. He obviously think everything needs to be modified.

I tried his modified Omnia and it was very good. Unfortunately it wasn’t for sale

I hope it’s ok to mention modified electronic components as long as they’re not Naim?

I tried the sotm before. I didn’t care for it but my system has evolved a lot since then so don’t know how it would fare. There are a lot of switches out there it seems.

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Ask what he did with PN :smiley:

I think he modifies the power supply. One of these days I’m going to try his amps in my system. I’m not sure I have enough money thoughđŸ˜±

Oh and it’s already the one thing with PN that everyone is raving about :blush:

Yeah well it isn’t good enough :smile:

It’s what it is with these things. The company making the PN has a budget for each part of the product and they have to guarantee it works for a long time under different circumstances. So it is unfair to compare to some diy-solution even if it might sound better. At least that’s how I see it. It’s up to each individual to judge and chose solution but when it comes to an expensive product such as this I wouldn’t let him put his sondering iron in it if I bought one.

Not saying his solution isn’t good or safe just that it hasn’t been tested they way I assume big companies test their products before launch.

I’m sure Drago will tell you but the bass on the Sigma is in a different league to most ethernet cables I’ve heard so far. The shape and depth is staggering. I was playing some London Grammar the other night with the lights out and it was like a church organ was in the room. The speed of the bass is what gives the Sigma such good PRAT I think. It plays proper tunes!


Sorry if I’ve asked before, but which cables have you had prior to Sigma on the PN? :slight_smile:

I know from your mail contact as I have written with him too and told him he should give the sigma to you. :rofl:
Sigma has a phantastic bass. Very full, detailed and not dry!

Completely correct # PN is on the more full bodied side of neutral. After time it opens up and is very very involving.
Give him time. The fast runner is not always the winner - diamond vs sigma told me that.

The bass question- my Roon sucks all bass away 
 therefore it works perfectly with all the bass enhancements :blush:

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You have but happy to go again; I only borrowed the shops PN and was using it with Catsnake. Trouble is I now think that Catsnake has a slightly overblown bass. With the SMPS this isn’t that noticeable but put the PN and Catsnake together and it was all too much. The Sigma’s bass in leaner but deeper so suspect it will be a much better match for the PN. I’m going to borrow the shops PN to see how good it is. Either that or a Farad or possibly a Sean Jacobs?

Could not have described it better!
Sigma still amazes me so much - it is only a cable ! But the effect is so big. I had lesser effects with big box upgrades!

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