Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

Trying out a LAN-isolator right now. It makes a big impact on the sound. Started thinking this is what is stuck to the Shunyata cables. It makes the most difference in the bass area as I hear it.

Shame I don’t have 2 1008 since I have to use the supplied short CAT 8 cable from the tiny box to the streamer.

Told you - you will get mad.
But before returning… try to connect 3,5 mm cable into ansuz and connect the cable into PN. So ansuz cable is running with active NR.
To be fair - PN needs a transparent cable (I know a good one )

PN is fully transparent with the correct cable. But I do not know the entreq - price wise it must be really really good
Where is more emotion and groove going on? PN or D2? :smiling_face:

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Which isolator?

Today it is approx 5 degrees warmer in my naim room. Sound totally different :rofl: no - kidding :smiling_face:

Better, or worse?

Smoothlan from Stack Audio

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Do I need it? :see_no_evil:

Different - smoother warmer and tiny less detailed… its physics

No! You need to focus :rofl:

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Ah I forgot! Getting old :smile:

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PN oven is overheating?


Found this which is well written about PN. 100% agree. Ansuz D2 is a bit on the other end of that description with tighter more neutral bass, more details and top end without ever sounding harsh. More resolution, air, stage size etc. Keeps music together better if cranking the volume. PN is better low volume listening. The last sentence is also true…

The Phoenixnet leans towards a darker timbral voicing and a thorough, dense and very well layered bass. The bass is actually outstanding. The best I have heard from a switch so far. What you gain on the bottom end you lose on the top end. Resolution, air, stage size and detail is cut back. In particular stage depth but also transient decay is less defined. However, the Phoenixnet is able to create a beautiful emotional connection to the music.

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Think it will have a good effect if noise is not reduced otherwise. Like ee1.
But sigma, entreq and d2 cables have NR systems !

Perfectly written.
From my experience I have gained air, depth, 3d and detail with 500 and to an perfect extense with … guess what … :rofl: sigma.
I really think that @Geko agrees on that.

But I must admit that I run 552 and 500DR - afaik dr is more on the detail side and your non dr more on the warmer side. Maybe a transparent d2…
But, the PN magic seems to have reached you :smiling_face:

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It’s time for D2 any day now again. Fiddling a bit… :see_no_evil: maybe naca5 again too? :smile:

PN out of the game?

Both are in the game :sunglasses:

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Just looked in www
There are some shunyata dealers in Sweden :joy: