Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary

Yea but they have a crazy pricing here. Will buy outside Sweden if so. Germany seems better. Sigma is nearly 2700 EUR here.

Oh dear … was not aware of that. 2k here - or ever less

Day 3 starting up now and I believe PN’s bass is more balanced now? Cannot be my ears adjusting only. When reading about it I see many claim it needs 2-3 days to tune in even when burned in. Something to do with the specific clock used in it.

I tried a PN for six months or so but found it artificially ‘bloomy’ in the lower registers.

Going back to a straight EE8 resolved this.



Fully understand this. Ansuz and EE8 is more balanced. PN is indeed coloured in the lower end. It is wonderful sometimes but also from time to time overpowering depending on the mix. But it seems to be better today than day 1. Will see what happens coming days. Ansuz D2 Powerswitch back in. Bloom is gone and bass is more tight, yet deep and detailed.


Maybe it is this kind of bloom that my room needs. But when I tested it against bare ee8 back the days with SBL, the bass was more full with ee8 and a bit more lean and detailed with PN - strange
PN needs a week plus … to settle in

This difference bass could by a typical behavior smps (like ansuz) against lps

The seller informed me the D2 ethernet is totally new, never used which might explain things. I have not spent many hours on it so I will have to make a burn in now then too. Busy busy! :smile:

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:…

:flushed:…Does a hifi seller lend a brand new hifi product to a customer, without having performed a “burn-in”,.Whaoo.

This,.moreover, on an expensive product…!!
I don’t know if I would have so much trust in such a seller.

It was not bought as a trial. A trial period they have on everything they sell both used and new. And they cannot make burn in on all products sold so :slight_smile:

The PN was specifically a loan and therefore I got a well run in used unit :slight_smile:


Burn the d2 cable in and plug it into PN.
What’s todays status?

D2 all day. Sounds amazing. Tomorrow it’s PN time again.

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:rofl: you will go mad…
You will at the end decide very well!
My heart is with PN (but never heared d2 - I see, that I will some day). My room is very „analytical“, my speakers are more on the neutral and transparent side, and 500dr is also less warm than non DR.
PN brought a lot of nice Couleur, which I love. But!!! HF sparkle (guitar strings) is not PN main strengths.
It brings the system a bit back in the vintage naim sound with groove ruling the game. I like it!

I found out within fiddle mania that the initial wow components (Diamond) are getting fatigue over time and the groovy ones stay longer in the ear. I also like the low volume effect very much.
The sigma is also no initially wow component… but… :heart_eyes:

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It has already happened :crazy_face:

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You’ve done your fiddling well and I believe there is a lot in what you say there :+1: It’s good to take the opportunity to listen over a longer period when one can. Sometimes it’s easy to hear what is better but sometimes it’s more different than better and then time is needed to find out what you prefer long term. My room is well damped, I have non DR and rather warm speakers. So as always it’s important to try at home if possible :blush: I’m planning to change speakers later on and then it’s back to the beginning with everything :crazy_face:

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Thanks for the roses :rose:
Ansuz must be :heart_eyes:
Just googled the costs of switch and cable - oops.

Too bad that there is no sigma next door (as it was in my case with 10 min drive). Sigma and PN are a good team.
Ee8 and Sean Jacob’s dc3 was very close to PN. Ee8 plus farad was a bit different - slightly between LPs sound (dc3) and smps speed. Think you found out similar!

Change speaker? Is there a life beyond tannoy?

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Haven’t found it yet but it’s a big market :sunglasses:

With new speaker you open the door for updating the rest … decide wisely :blush:


I’m just having a chat with Sean Jacobs regarding a DC3 for my EE8. And by the way the Neat 1008 arrived yesterday. Only had it in place for 24 hours. I will give you my deeper thoughts after it’s had some burn-in but I can promise you now it’s not a ‘Sigma’ in disguise for loads less money. Not even close!

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Have you kept the PN powered up?

If not do so now :wink:

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