Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Yes interesting, but where (what point) to start, this list could be overwhelming, the 'tinterweb is full of low cost, what Cat, UTP, F/FTP, S/FTP, round, flat & thin.
I guess you are thinking of making a specific brand list first as a starting point ??

I’m happy to compile a spread sheet, but would need to know the brand & what ever identification name/number you guys list. e.g. Brand (name/number) Cat(??) (??)TP.
To keep a flat playing field we need to use only one countries pricing, UK is different to USA is different to France etc
And finally 5m or 16 feet is the eq in feet for BJC & AQ (if it arises)

Yes indeed… just a guide for the specific cables Xanthe was testing.
Perhaps banded less £5; £5-£10; £10-£20; greater than £20.

I was thinking more of a list specific tested examples… it would be good to see if there is any correlation between RRP and perceived audio performance. In my experience there hasn’t been… but until recently I felt I was a lone voice in the wilderness.

The argument seemed polarised between:

‘bits are bits; cables can’t affect audio performance’


‘pay for a reassuringly expensive audiophile lead for top audio network performance; forget the price - trust your ears’.

To me both of those arguments are facile… and Xanthe’s examination and perhaps your table might demonstrate that and show a little more insight… and top audio performance can be applied in this area cost effictively by objectively trusting your ears

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I’d treat it more gently than moving it around in a wheel barrow - even the ND555 isn’t that heavy! :rofl:
(:face_with_hand_over_mouth: - Sorry I just couldn’t resist that.)

The 5m Connectix Cable System Cat6 UTP (the cable that worked best for me) cost a whopping £4.59 (from CPC Farnell) - 0.062% of the cost of AQ Vodka!


Mike, precisely the point by taking the time to forget the precise characteristics determined in the previous listening test (humans have quite poor auditory memory), anything but very dramatic differences in sound will no longer be apparent to the listener. At this point, expectation bias and other influences can come to dominate over real differences so (subconsciously) justifying the desired result; and even more importantly doing so with no possible awareness of the biases at play.


Xanthe, indeed this area is riven with subconscious cognitive biases… I undertook some courses on this topic fairly recently for my professional work and it was an eye opener. and a cause for some real reflection.

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Rank / Cable / Price per 5m (approx)

1 / Connectix Cat6 UTP / £4.60

2 / Startech Cat6 UTP / £4.50

3 / Meicord Opal Cat6 UTP / £90

4 / Connectix Cat5e UTP / £3.80

5 / Chord C-Stream Cat7 SSTP / £75

6 / Unknown Cat 5e UTP / £4

7 / Unknown Cat6a SFTP / £6

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… ahh-ha !! ?? a little more complicated
Price is a number, perceived audio performance ??? it isn’t an objective number. I’ll need some input on that.

You are not a lone voice.


Thanks, yes we need to anchor the table with sort of averaged subjective assessment… we have a start with Xanthe…

Perhaps as I suspect the three of us might be meeting up in Salisbury at the end of the month we could discuss further?

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I’m not currently attending this one - I thought it only fair to let others have a chance.

‘anchor the table?’ Aargh…

Whoops sorry…

Ahh that’s a shame… from the back chat we are hoping this session is more about what we are talking about there… rather than focusing on another tour.

OK that gives a reason - I’ll see if there’s space available.


Me neither i decided to sit this one out…daughters 21st as well

OK request sent.

But Ray
If it’s all bollocks why do you read it?

Are you saying that no Ethernet cables make a difference to SQ?!

@Xanthe haha try to put AQ diamond and chord music price for 5m:)

I didn’t want to scare people that much! :rofl:


I can put them in (for a larf)
How does £3439.00 & £11199.00 tickle your chuckle button

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Would be interested to hear your thoughts on BJ vs Vodka.