Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

You do stop at some point - I spent just over £120 for the 2960 to try, as in context of my system cost it is very reasonable outlay. I’m using a cheap Cat5 (not even Cat5e) as a preferred connection from that to the Melco and the Melco uses the Vodka - which has its foibles but it all as a system of parts seems to work well.

I was fairly happy using my 2940 switch - I may go back to it while getting the 2960 returned and looking for another, but this little test shows me there are improvements for smaller outlay and not multiple thousands of pounds which I’m avoiding right now.


try a non Poe. Some on the forum found Poe noisy. Even if it should not be.

you are near the end. Just the right ethernet cable for your tastes and system, and a good switch.
Is the diamond improving?

I’ve been trying to find out as much as I can about the Ansuz Power Switch. I understand that there will be some Info coming. Otherwise, I asked my dealer if the two functions are in lock step and he told me that both functions get better as you go up the line.
I have a Power Box and was told I’d need the D ($6K USD) level to out perform it.
As for the switch function, I guess you just have to trust that Michael Borresen has worked his magic on it.
I haven’t got room for it so I’m going to pass. I can put my power box on the floor underneath my rack and my switch is small enough it can share a shelf with several other devices on a shelf.

Ok that is a PoE source switch with its heatsinks

I already have power on the floor from Ansuz on some isolation. So if I would go for the switch I would need to extend the Fraim as well, which would make one side another 8cm higher, and the Fraim would of course also be an additional cost…

Like me, you already have the power box function equal to the $6K power switch. Assuming we could get $2K for our power boxes, that leaves a very hefty cost to upgrade our switches. It would be hard to improve much on the best of the current audiophile switches like the ADVox SE.

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:small_blue_diamond:@Stephen_Tate,…Couldn’t say it better myself :grin::+1:t2:.

But these discussions with cables has been going on for decades,.and shall do for at least a few decades more.

• If it’s not Naim’s more expensive cable-range,.then it doesn’t seem to be these discussions :wink:.

I do not understand why some question this,.and often it is those with high technical education that question this with cables.
And they do so by developing complex technical reasoning.

These reasoning has absolutely no significance,.it belongs on the construction-table.

When the product is ready,.it is as easy as listening…Better or Worse.?

• As Simply As That - Just Listen.

It’s just as obvious that there is a difference between cables,.such as that there is a difference between other products in the system.

Weirder than that,.it is not.

:black_small_square:AND,.I’ve never met someone who hasn’t heard the difference on cables.
Sometimes a very small difference…Sometimes a big dramatic difference.
But,.always a difference.

:small_orange_diamond:I haven’t had time to be here in 24 hours,.I now have well over a hundred posts to read :sunglasses:,.Interesting thread.



@charlesphoto Thanks for the suggestion… really can’t think of any thing else. Maybe an AQ Diamond , that Chord Music cable even for me is a crazy priced!

I am still not sure with the diamond, will need some time. Yes I can appreciate it’s quality above the Vodka…, but it seems to also loose something which is the effect of being nice forward / driving like the Vodka. Now this might still need some time, as this cable was hanging around at the dealer. But I have the feeling why the Chord Music is regarded better. In case nothing would change, the Chord Music would be in all aspects better, of course at a price…, but let’s see how it develops in the next days…

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My new streamer is still running in, have also got a used Cisco switch. According to the site it should have been reset, but some of the outputs are not responding. Would that be something a reset would/could solve?

I’ve been working to improve my LAN (ADVox switch, Ansuz Ethernet cables, Gigafoil ethernet filter, Keces linear power supply). Somewhere along the line things went sour. I found the problem was that I’d replaced the connection from my Apple router to an Apple Airport Express with an AudioQuest ethernet cable from the router to my switch. When I took that cable to the router out of the path and went back to using the Airport Express, SQ was restored.
I’m not sure if the problem was the cable or using the router as a switch.

:small_blue_diamond:@anon5525519,…We’ve tried this LPS on a Mac Mini,.it was a clear improvement in soundquality.

It is a cheap solution to test if it get better on your router

And Rick,.that there should be a difference to the better,.I can almost promise.

• On this image below you will see a prototype on an LPS to a Cisco-switch.

It is a friend of mine who is a electronics-designer,.with hifi as special-interest who has developed this.
This is his third version and it sounds really,really good.
He also has one of Sweden’s most well-sounding music-systems,.and has been in many Hifi-magazines.

Lets a LPS better on a Mac Mini and a Cisco-switch,.so maybe it also gets better on your router.

This LPS is not mounted in a box because it was during testing when this image was taken.


Anyone tried the QED ethernet cable? Claim to be cat6 and less than 20£ for 1m.

The Chord Music, in the US costs more than my Auralic G1 and my Chord Qutest combined!!


I bought the D version of the power switch. I’ll sort things out when I get it.

As you probably suspect, it’s worth paying attention to siting - away from the black boxes and off the floor as a minimum.

I’ve already experimented with different feet that improved bass. :slightly_smiling_face:

The main ‘problem’ this switch has is that it is making me forget to optimize it and I’m playing and enjoying music instead - disgraceful stuff.



Well I’ve just ordered some Cat5e and Cat6 cables from Connectix, so after they arrive and I’ve tested them, I’ll post on a comparison to my existing cable as to how they perform in my setup.

N.B. the results of this test won’t necessarily mean a thing for anyone else’s system! :stuck_out_tongue:

Will do.