Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

That is not completely true. Saying “bits are bits” is only correct for TCP protocol. TCP has error correction and bits always arrive to destination in perfect condition, because receiver can correct information with error correction protocols, ask to resend some packets, etc…

My understanding is that all audio streaming devices use UDP protocol. It has NO error correction. So if bits are lost during transmission – they are lost without possibility to “correct” the errors. In this case network cable becomes like simple analogue cable, and all the sending/receiving system is NOT bit perfect any more. If streamer gets bad quality signal with a lot of lost bits, it can do nothing to correct this. DAC just works with what it has.

As for audio network cables I think they are designed in such way that “lost” information would have the least impact on sonic influence in music. As for other network cables (NOT audio) manufacturers do not care about sonic problems, they just produce the cable with good shielding, good speed, etc…

Roon uses TCP for streaming not UDP.

I think even using TCP protocol Roon cannot guarantee that all bits arrive perfect to streamer. Because there is no time for error correction. If network cables are bad quality it is unlikely that the system will do it perfectly in real time streaming.
Even using TCP Roon should pass a lot of damaged (uncorrected) bits to DAC, because it would be impossible to correct them in real time.

Ooh !! Ooh !! me too, me too.
Uber Cheapo Cat6 wireless hub to switch branch coming out.
Stone Washed Blue Jeans Cat6 going in.
Not expecting night & day amazing, but ya never know, and likewise it might not necessarily mean a thing to other systems … YMMV
… ETA next week, watch this space

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I just added some cat6 Blue Jeans cables from the Cisco 2960 switch to the NAS and 272.

I think I lucked out on this because they are so much more coherent. I’m not smart enough to know if it’s less time smear, distortion or what but I can relax more into the music and feel it in my body (foot tapping, air guitar etc)

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For the price of a diamond you could do a Sonore opticalModule bridge right before the Auralic. So galvanically isolate and reclock. They really are shockingly good but each needs a 5V power supply, the receiving end the better that supply the better the sound. Or you could try a cheaper Cisco 2960 switch, or wait in line for the new Uptone EtherRegen switch but I think they’re pushed out past January at this point. It’s really about ridding yourself of the noise from the wifi receiver right before the streamer.

@charlesphoto the Auralic G1 has the WiFi receiver built in. I have simply No way to run cables from my TV room where the NAS and WiFi router are; 7.75m to the family room next to it. I do 5ghz WiFi And there are no other WiFi devices I allow to use 5ghz in my network / home

Sorry, you are wrong. TCP/IP is a very robust protocol and delivers bit perfect data unless something is badly broken.

No way, man!
I have Stone washed lightly ripped pale blue jean cat 10 Ethernet cables lashed between my router, Cisco and 272 like rigging but I still don’t feel moved to do air guitar!

Yeah, and what’s really funny is that it’s actually made by Blue Jeans Cables and rebadged as Chord Music.
What a con!
It literally the same cable repackaged and fluffed with marketing pixie dust.

Tiberius Maximus Negativimus has proved that beyond doubt without ever testing anything anywhere near his house (except his ears), and SiS has done a deep dive into their 1980 tax returns.


I have black leather diamond studded Cat 6 nameless cable. I do air guitar too.

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So if someone connects an ethernet cable chord c-stream from the modem to a classic PC this last one doesn’t connect? Since it is stated that Chord only makes streamer and non ethernet cables?

Incorrect, all audio in our applications uses TCP with full flow and data error control such as with RAAT and UPnP media transfer, all using standard window flow control and acknowledgement. Down on the network level RAAT and UPnP media transfer are essentially the same as you can easily see with WireShark or similar. This ensures all bytes are assembled correctly (in ‘order’) before being passed up to the application layer.
You might be getting mixed up with low latency two way voice over IP communications as used by telecommunication telephony which can use UDP.

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Not quite TCP/IP is a framework of many protocols, including two different transport protocols; TCP and UDP.
TCP which is used in nearly all hifi audio (such as RAAT and UPnP media transfer) has full error control and can work reliably over networks and equipment of varying quality such as most home consumer networks including WiFi.
UDP which we don’t tend to use in hifi streaming lapart from discovery and control uses and that relies on an under lying reliable network with the advantage of very low latency. It’s used in consumer applications where it doesn’t matter too much if the datagram is lost but low latency is required

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I know. I was just keeping it simple :slight_smile:

Yeah, I think some people think the ‘TCP’ in TCP/IP and TCP as in the specific transport control protocol are the same…:grinning:
The terminology is confusing…

How do you mean some of the ‘outputs’ are not responding.
If you mean some switch ports don’t work when you connect them, what does the status lightA say?
But it does suggest it has not been reset and still has its previous software configuration installed.

:small_blue_diamond:@anon35986639,…:grin: Nonsense,.on the old forum there were lots of pictures,where members had Chord C-Stream in their computer solutions.

I myself have run Chord C-Stream in my regular desktop computer,.without any problems.
Works every time.

I also have an Audioquest Vodka between my Router and my digibox to my TV.
It works superbly,.and every upgrade also works.
It should not be done,.according to TiberioMagadino :wink:.

• Hungryhalibut responded TiberioMagadino like this earlier in the thread,.see below.

It’s just Tiberiomagadino as “spamming” and missionaries about this in every post.
Just because you repeat and missionary about the same thing,.in every single thread loads of times,it will not be a truth.


Just a small taste this morning. The Audioquest Diamond cable seems to develop in a positive direction. Much more drive and flow this morning as compared to yesterday. Let’s see what happens in the coming days…

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Maybe TBM AQ cable was faulty, that can happen. Had some computers cables that needed replacing so could be the reason.