Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

:small_blue_diamond:@Bigboy,ā€¦Thatā€™s probably the only explanation.
But then he reads that everyone else (most) are very happy with their Audioquest Vodka,.so he should be able to draw some conclusions,.I think.

Now it does not matter,.he is the only one who has that opinion.
But then he all the time,.in every post repeats his ā€œmantraā€ no matter what answers he gets,so it will be quite dominant in the thread.


Cisco 2960 & BJ 6a cables ā€˜soundingā€™ magnificent here. All-in less than Ā£120ā€¦Fit and forget as far as iā€™m concerned.



Gramaeh, i wonder if these Blue Jeans are Lewis or Lee Cooper?

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I had one that had that issue, or some of the ports would work and then stop working for some reason. The SFP out wouldnā€™t work either. A factory reset did the trick and everything works as it should. I did my reset via the Mac Terminal, though my switch uses a micro-USB for consoling in which I had around. Some you may need a RJ45 to USB A console cable.

To add some more balance to this boutique vs standard data cable discussion. Iā€™ve been reading on the new Linn forum & had a chuckle at a post from a well known contributor to the Linn & Lejonklou forums who says expensive cables do not perform.
He posts that BJC cables are the best heā€™s found, it outperformed his previous favorite Microconnect (Lejonklou readers will know this one) & that all heā€™s tested ā€œwere better than AQ Vodka and Cinnamon and any number of generic cablesā€.
Other contributors supported that opinion & some reiterated that Linn only recommend qualified cables.

This is an interesting thread (in parts) amusing if nothing else.


itā€™s reassuring to hear that if you buy such expensive streamer as the linn kdsm, you donā€™t need to pay more and buy fancy ethernet cables.
I read a John Darko review saying that even the audioquest pearl cables ( before cinnamon and vodka) are better for him vs the Blue Jeans. ( Darko audio site).

ā€¦ is another self-proclaimed ā€œexpertā€ I cannot take seriously.

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UpTone Audio - EtherREGEN


:small_blue_diamond:"EtherREGEN,.In development for nearly two years,this unique and highly advanced Ethernet switch will exceed expectationsā€¦producing surprising audible sonic improvements in fine music-systems.

Oh my goodness!!
Both the first and second production runs of EtherREGEN (for shipment in November and December) sold out in the first hour of the launch on October 8th.

At the moment,.we can only estimate a ship date for January."

:black_small_square:Above from UpTone Audioā€™s website,.this with switches seems to be ā€œreally hotā€ among us all music and hifi-nuts :wink:.

More interesting information can be found on their website.
It will be exciting to hear about the first comparison against a Cisco 2960 etcā€¦





:small_blue_diamond:It is Darkoā€™s view,.when he had tested and evaluated these cables against each other.

Many people have strong opinions about cables,.without having tested against each other.
For example: I never pronounce myself,.or dismiss something I have not tested.

We must respect Darkoā€™s opinion,.even if we do not know whether he is a guy listening to Hifi or Music.
There is usually a clear dividing line between Naim, Linn, Lejonklou (and possibly some more) against other HiFi.

ā€¢ Some describe this dividing line asā€¦
Round-Earth vs Flat-Earth.


I donā€™t disagree what you are saying about cable ā€œtestingā€ & I fully understand that your testing means listening to the cable & forming an opinion, not exactly testing.
But you are missing my point (opinion) on Darko; when I say I cannot take him seriously, you need to ask why? His website is an absolute mess & his writing style is chaotic (IMO). And thats why I cannot take him seriously, even though I might agree with his opinions sometimes.

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Seven jeans made in USA

:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,ā€¦Wrong,.Linn claims this,.Yes.

But thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been so fierce in my statements against Linnā€™s earlier in my posts.
My opinion and experience,.Linn does not target the high-end market anymore,.it is too small according to the them.
But against the ā€œGood Enoughā€ and ā€œLife-Styleā€ market.

Linnā€™s MD Gilad Tiefenbrun said this about cables to some in our ā€œgroupā€,.a few years ago when visiting a Swedish traderā€¦

ā€¢ ā€œWe shouldnā€™t keep on with these cables or the direction of these cables.
Nor should we change or test the direction of the internal cables in our Klimax-series,or any other series.
There is no difference.ā€

Gilad brought with him,.an employee from Linn Scotland who was of the opposite view.
The discussion about this was so hard,.that it was a little bad mood in the group who discussed this.

Swedenā€™s largest Linn-trader,.has since they discovered this with internal-cables in the wrong direction in the mid-90ā€™s.
Opened all the products,.and changed the direction of the internal-cables,where these had the wrong direction for best soundquality.

This trader,.who has a very high confidence from Linn,has obviously pointed this out to Linn. But as you read above,.according to Linnā€™s MD makes it no difference :roll_eyes:.

They still does this before the products are handed over to the customer.

An excellent trader with focus on ā€œAttention To Detailā€.
But this shouldnā€™t a trader have to do on such expensive products.
This with internal-cables etc has Naim track of,.and thatā€™s why my confidence in Naim is so high.

Above are some examples of why I nowadays regard Linn as a ā€œGood Enoughā€ and ā€œLife-Styleā€ company.
I have more examplesšŸ˜‰.

:black_small_square:So,.the gist of this post is,.if you have an Linn-product that requires an Ethernet/streaming cable.
Try different cables,.and different direction of the cable,you will definitely hear differences.
Smaller or Larger,.but always a difference.

Ps: Many traders defend Linnā€™s official position,.which is naturalā€¦They are addicted to Linn.
Do not bother with this,test this yourself is my advice.


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I am really sorry, but I cannot believe that you are being serious - more than a step too far for me Iā€™m afraid.

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You was referring to John Darko not being taken seriously? the same for Peder? or saying that you prefer not be taken seriously.
I find personally that some here take themselves too seriously, but itā€™s perhaps another matter.


but you take seriously an anonymous member on a linn forum, which is the most auto linn advertising forumā€¦so not really objective for me.

I quote from my first post (number 24) on this topicā€¦.

ā€˜As with all threads about cables, especially ethernet cables, it will end in tearsā€¦.ā€™
(Although apparently we are not supposed to call them ethernet cables because they donā€™t meet spec, they are streaming cables)

Not one to say ā€˜I told you soā€™ā€¦:wink:


exactly, itā€™s John Darko view, not more or less important than a view of a member on linn forum or other forum. Just an individual view, however different from the OP referred.
Some find Chord music exceptional, some like the Diamond, other find it dull, some are focused only on BJC, other Belden, other are totally against any fancy ethernet cablesā€¦only different individual views.

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Sorry but you are completely misunderstanding/misinterpreting what I said.
Try reading it again & also include what I expanded on with Peder.

And yes I do take this ā€œanomalousā€ person seriously, as I do with some people on this forum. Why ? because after reading his posts on Linn & the slightly ā€˜madā€™ left-field Lejonklou forums, he has (in the most part) made sensible contributions.

:small_blue_diamond:@Mike-B,ā€¦We are extremely thorough with all the infrastructure when we test,.the only thing we do not do.
We do not measure as for example Stereophile does.

Instead,.we use the best instrument,our ears and our long experience.
Otherwise,.I totally agree with you in what you write.
You see Mike-B,.sometimes we can agree :wink:.

/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

Lets drop another option into the equation. Fibre optics. In the not too distant past, just for fun,I played around with an FMC (fibre media converter). I connected it, using a SFP in the switch, between the router and the Cisco 2960 switch, thereby electrically isolating everything on the other side of the switch. Yea, I know ethernet galvanically isolates by design.

While there were concerns with regard to the quality of the clocks in the FMC, my thinking was that if connected to the router side of the switch, the switch is of decent enough quality to effectively regenerate and reclock the ethernet pulses before they are sent to the streamer, a Uniti Atom.

The cable from the switch to the Atom was nothing special, a QED Graphite, 5 mtrs long.

It provided a decent uplift in sound especially considering that the Ā£Ā£ to buy everything required was less than Ā£40. If it had cost me a couple of hunderd Ā£Ā£ I would have still been pleased with the result.

The only thing connected to the switch is the Atom and 3 NAS drives which are only used for backups and are normally powered off.

An interesting observation, I have an 8 series NUC running Roon. If I connect this to the Cisco switch it seriously effects the sound, making it really harsh. Connecting it to the back of the router, on the other side of the FMC restored the sound to a much more listenable experience.

Moving on a couple of months, I wondered of there would be any benefit in upgrading the QED cable from the switch to the Atom. After all, there shouldnt be anything on the router side of the switch causing issues. Only one way to find out. I ordered an Audioquest Cinnamon 5 mtr cable (return if not satified) to replace the QED. The Audioquest is definitely NOT going back.

Why this works, no idea but Iā€™m more than happy with the results. Does the Cinnamon conform to ethernet standards, donā€™t know and donā€™t care. Everything works and sounds bl**dy good to my ears. No issues whatsoever.

No theory here, this is all practical experience.