Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

To comment really one needs to understand which chipsets and ASICS it using.
There are certain dedicated chipsets for low noise fast Ethernet …
Be interesting to do the radio test on it, as well as understand how it manages queuing as well IGMP snooping all essential for low network noise connectivity… as well as how it is optimised, I assume via a web screen, as of course true optimisation requires tuning as no two networks are likely to be the same.
Fingers crossed it’s some true innovation as opposed to not…

As Simon and others have pointed out this cables business is nothing to do with dropping bits

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no more than Darko. I find his reviews easy to read and logically built, with clear arguments and objective comparings.
However the financial interest of Linn is to claim that fancy ethernet cables are not useful. Same claiming for Naim. It gives the components no more expensive to the eyes of the customers .

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I am not sure that you were addressing this post to me, but if you were then I am happy to clarify.

I was specifically reacting to the claim that changing the direction of ethernet cables to Linn streamers would make (in all cases) a difference to the quality of sound - nothing more, nothing less.

However, I have no issue with adding that I am happy to take the views of John Darko as seriously as those of anyone else. He aims at a fairly niche area of the hi-fi and music scene and his taste in music is very different to mine. These differences in music tastes would be enough for me not to overly rely on his reviews without listening for myself. However, I do enjoy watching and checking out his videos from time to time and largely respect his views.


Yes, the post was addressed to you Hmack. Thanks to have clarified.
As for cable direction, i do believe they impact the sound. I have done the test xxx times. The differences were minimal but present. I can’t explain however.
I do enjoy too watching Darko videos sometimes. He speaks easily and i can understand him.

:small_blue_diamond:@Hmack,…That’s okay,.we have different experiences.

That’s why we have this forum,.to learn from each other.
But you do not think that you hear the difference between different ethernet-cables from a Linn product,.is it what you say.?

:black_small_square:Then I might not tell you this below :grin:.
I see in your profile that you have a Linn Klimax DS/1.
I think you should take it to your trader,.and ask him to check the internal-cables in your Klimax DS/1.

:small_orange_diamond:The text on the internal-cable shall go towards how the signal goes in the cable.

Far,far from all traders are aware of this above.

This applies to all Linn’s products.
Listen to a song for 30-40 seconds,.repeat the song from the beginning.
Change the direction of the internal-cable,.play the same song again.

Approximately 50% of Linn’s products,.have the internal cables in the wrong direction for best soundquality.
I have this afternoon talked to Karl at High Fidelity in Stockholm for about 50 minutes,.the store that I referenced to in my last post (he is a friend).
He told me that yesterday he turned the internal-cable on a Klimax DS for a customer.

The customer heard no difference,.but the customer’s girlfriend (who wasn’t Hifi-interested) heard a big difference.
That he did not hear the difference,.can depend on the day-shape,it happens to all of us.
Even his girlfriend was surprised that he did not hear any difference.

Hmack,.If you do this,.be sure to pull all the screws as hard as before.
Not harder or looser,.but just as hard as before.

:red_circle: Ps: This you can not do on Linn’s DSM-products,.they do not have these internal cables. But even amps…2200,.4200 etc…Go for it,.take it to your trader.


This topic will make you buy a CD Player!


Evening observation. Yes the cable has developed, but still have the feeling it’s a bit on the less exciting side of the spectrum. It’s definitely an improvement on the Vodka, but it looks like it has less edge and drive then the Vodka. The Chord Music seems to have the better edge…, but perhaps it further develops…


…an OCD player!



… then we can get into never ending goat trails about what colour felt tip to use on the CD edge, how long to leave them in the freezer, extensive testing of disc mats & what polarity to use with demagnetising.

Its all looney toones, fun to go as far as you want, but it raises questions about some peoples sanity.


For £4,000 you’d hope it would be better! There is of course the potential to perceive it being better because it’s so expensive and therefore must be. Expectation bias. Who is really genuinely immune?


I agree there is a risk of bias, I already wrote that in an earlier post. However I am accessing based on well known music and see how it touches me…, so far thee Chord Music seems to have the edge. Which doesn’t mean I will get it, as their is an immense price difference.

What would be really interesting (well not really but you know what I mean) is to test the Music against the Blue Jeans that TM bangs on about incessantly. Can a £10 compliant cable with a special certificate beat a non compliant uber wire from cable gods The Chord Company? The plebs need to know!!


Who knows. The act of paying over £4000 would most certainly give me a coronary so I wouldn’t be here to find out, :joy::joy::joy:


:small_blue_diamond:Did not @frenchrooster do such a test a few months ago,.in another thread against an AQ Diamond.?


What I mean is that I get no connection when connecting an ethernet cable to some of the outlets (5, 6 & 7). The other seam to work including the one to the right (with a yellow boarder around it and the adjacent contact).

i feel that the diamond is more open and refined, less in your face than the vodka. But i agree, the vodka is just more forward but less open. However the prat , involvement, is the same. I found the vodka a bit edgy and agressive when i put it again after the diamond.
The diamond presents more subtle nuances and colors, and is more fluent too. The voices and tones of instruments are more natural too.

Thanks, thats reassuring. Sorry but not so familiar with “switch lingo” Mac terminal i guess is something completely different to a mac computer. :blush:
Is there an easy guide to follow for a switch beginner? I found a getting started guide on the cisco web site, but that deal with an “easy setup” and not a reset?

no. I never heard BJC. Just tested some inexpensive cat5e that Dark Bear found well sounding. They stood but not in my system…( they costed me 5 eur).