Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

:small_blue_diamond:@Simon-in-Suffolk,ā€¦It will be interesting to hear your feedback technically,.when you may be able to ā€œput your teethā€ (as we say in Sweden) in this UpTone switch.


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I would agree so far with your comparison Vodka versus Diamondā€¦, the Chord Music had more of everything and puts you more on the edge of your chairā€¦


@charlesphoto Another question, did you experience any difference in sound after the reset?

:small_blue_diamond:@BertBird,ā€¦I share @frenchroosters impression of Diamond vs Vodka.

Vodka also feels more compressed,.a little harder,less musically flow.
More dynamically limited.

But both Vodka and Diamond must be connected for a longer time in the music-system to start performing on top.

As you probably know if you have followed @Darkebear eminent description of his AQ Vodka-trip.
We are testing the difference between Diamond 0,75cm vs. 1,5m,.which I told you about before.

Diamond 1,5m had been connected in the system 40 days,.so when we plugged in Diamond 0,75cm the difference was huge.
Now four days later,.the difference between them has declined significantly,but so far, Diamond 1,5m is better.

But we follows the exciting developments between these two cables.

ā€¢ BertBird,.what length is it you have on your Diamond.?


Ok, dot LEDs indicate yellow when you cycle the status button?
Anyway it sounds like either the config is not reset or rather unlikely, the switch is faulty.

It would be interesting yesā€¦ but unless somebody forwards one to me for evaluation there is probably not much more I can do.

Just to get the basics sorted out: is a wired connection between a server and a renderer always preferable to a wireless connection?

I have compared wired and wireless connections in my system and I freely cannot hear any difference.

Am I doing something wrong?


Honeyā€™s sweet
But it ainā€™t nothinā€™ next to babyā€™s treat
And if you pardon me
Iā€™d like to say
Weā€™ll do okay
Forever in blue jeans


ā€œAm I doing something wrong?ā€

Probably not. Really

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I canā€™t talk about the Music since Iā€™ve not tried the Ethernet although I did try and was disappointed by the interconnect.

However, I would probably take the BJC Cat6 in preference to the AudioQuest Vodka. Itā€™s a better balanced presentation with more natural instrumental timbres and textures.


i can easily understand. Unfortunately, because i will probably never have the budget to buy it.

I have a 1 meter cable, but could do with 0.75m, would actually be better as the 1 meter one is touching the wall, so I have to use something to keep it awayā€¦

Hmm, is it bad for network cable to touch a wall?

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the inky blackness is less inky.


:small_blue_diamond:@Luc,.It is the same as for Naimā€™s Burndy,.Yes.

Read @Darkebear description when he evaluating his AQ Vodka,.and you will get a more detailed answer to your question.

Generally speaking,.all cables should be in as little contact as possible with other things.


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:small_blue_diamond:@BertBird,ā€¦Are you sure it is 1m,.here in Sweden there are only 0,75cm and 1,5m.

Iā€™ve never heard of 1m,.but that length maybe have just come out on the market.
But the length of 0,75cm is actually 0,92cm from contact-end to contact-end.

The new Naim streamers are designed to perform superbly without messing around with fancy Ethernet switches and cables too though. The notion that one has to spend a lot more money to get a new generation Naim streamer performing properly is somewhat questionable.


I found a lot of the ā€˜badā€™ effects the Vodka can exhibit disappear when it does not touch anything when making its connection between the boxes - so just the connectors making the contact.

When it touches anything in-between (in my system) it becomes over-heavy in presentation and gains a hard-edge. These go then it is free.



:small_blue_diamond:@Mike_S,ā€¦In theory YES,.in practice NO.

You have well followed @Darkebear,.when he has optimized for ethernet/streaming-cable and switch in his system.
The same for @BertBird,.which is now actively trying out various ethernet/streaming-cables in his system.
After this he will test a new switch.

ā€¢ Both of these gentlemen have ND555 (with dual 555PS DR),.in other words,the best source that Naim can offer.
So the answer to your claim is,.in practice NO.


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Linn also say that HiFi equipment supports make no difference - and lots of other ā€˜sensibleā€™ things that would be nice if it were true.

A year ago I though all Ethernet cable needed to do was meet the specification and deliver the bits - but unfortunately that turned out not to be true if you actually listen to what it all does - but it is true if you live in Linn LaLa-land where what you want to be true is true - and you tell your tech guys that say otherwise to shut-up.