Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Really, I personally don’t see it. :confused:

Take your glasses off.:sunglasses:

No I’m not because I tried one and several others from different companies in my headphone rig that streams from a silent pc to DAC. As I said it made 0 difference that’s my experience.

I don’t wear them when using the computer!

I mean, although I see the vinyl resurgence, I don’t understand why.

it’s not about you.
Or me that’s why I don’t use vinyl.

Ah! OK! apologies, I missed the irony in your previous posts.

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The industry constantly needs new things to sell us. With each new technology come decrapifiers of some sort wether hardware or cable related. Spdif was the be all and end all, then the industry decides no it’s not too much jitter but happy to sell is something to help this thing we likely can’t hear. Usb the new dream, this also gets the same treatment, then comes network and low and behold the same thing comes up. It’s just a load of crap to keep selling things we just dont need by giving us doubt in what we are hearing is good enough.

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:small_blue_diamond:@Stephen_Tate,…In Sweden there is a forum,.where everyone who thinks that measurement-results are more important than listening is found.

They can write INCREDIBLY long posts about any product,.just based on the measurement-results,and what they BELIEVE,.based on these measurement results.
They have not listened to the product,.but dismisses it only because of technical specifications🙄.
Like some of the “Spec-tech”-gang here.

They are incredibly technically well educated,.I know some of the leaders on that forum.
The interesting thing is,.I/we have never heard any of these members music-systems sound exceptional good…rather the opposite.
Everyone on this forum goes by the name…
• “The man in the white coat with measuring-instruments” :grin:.
We shall always have these “measurement-people” around us,.there is nothing to bother about.
Just look at Garyi,.who writes…

If he has that attitude,.why does he then write in this thread.?
Such a post as above adds absolutely nothing,.but may instead create irritation.
I have put a few specific questions to Garyi,.one of these questions was…if he has listened to the products he has such strong opinions about (Melco, Anzus, Entreq etc),.but he just slips past them…No response.!

But instead,.he is ironising over my concrete advice,.despite a request from me to rather contribute with advice.
According to me very strange.

So,as the OP,.I may say,that we who listen with our ears and minds…and contribute here with our impressions in now soon 1400 posts.
It is anyway for me,.interesting to take note of.

:small_orange_diamond:Now back to installing Furutech wall-socket with a friend :grin:.



:small_blue_diamond:Emojis my freinds emojis :grin::joy::grin:.


Sorry, but maybe your irony didn’t quite come through. You seem to be a naysayer though on any tweaks, cables, etc - perchance you may want to enlighten us on the details of your perfect system?


Thanks, as the Naim streamer use USB for memory access so I understand as opposed to a DAC interface I’d be surprised if ‘jitter’ was at all relevant.

Hi Simon. In regards to the (semi-Greek to me) IGMP snooping, does it matter much if when listening there’s not much traffic from others in the house (beyond maybe this laptop accessing the Naim forum)? I don’t feel like ripping apart my switch right now to implement this, though did learn how to reset my 2960 via Mac Terminal, and I suppose at some point could set up this IGMP (instructions on the internet I would imagine).

Just not sure how much of a difference it would make. When I’m in the office and lots of things humming away I’m not critically listening, and when I do get to listen to the main system it’s typically late at night, early morning, or when no-one else at home. We don’t have any home automation going on either.

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Hey if you are allowed to write tripe then so am I. As soon as you make mod status you can ban me!


You could (but you don’t have to). Just tart with a Cisco 2960-8tc-L. Not sure where you’re based, but there’s good dozen plus on the US big auction site for $40 and under. Just make sure it’s been reset to factory default, no need for special power supplies or cables (though some say the AC cable makes a difference). Keep in mind these switches take awhile to boot up - be patient (lights will flash on and off). If you want to make a fiber link, Cisco SFP cages can be bought used for around $5 or less from same auction site (GLC-SX-MM typically). It’s worth it, believe me.

:small_blue_diamond:@garyi,…It would be nicer and more interesting for the thread,.and for those of us who read it…if you could answer the questions that I have posed to you.

Just throwing out claims without listening,.creates no credibility.
So I look forward to getting answers to the questions I asked you earlier in the thread.



Have again invited the Chord Music in my home for a more extensive listening period. As I had the AQ Diamond also in the system for some time I should be able to give a final verdict after the settling in period.


:small_blue_diamond:@BertBird,…Waiting with excitement :stuck_out_tongue:.

We had an exciting afternoon/evening yesterday,.where we compared three Cisco from 2007, 2010 and 2011.
There were differences,.but I must come back to it later.
But I can already tell you,.that everyone stood on the same feet,and the audioboard and SMPS-board were optimised with a torque-wrench to the same Nm-value.


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there was no correlation because all these cables you tested were relatively on the same price level. You have tested no cable more expensive than 200 euros per meter, where the things begin to be different. No vodka, no diamond, no indigo, no SR, no Music…the expensive cables a lot of people are referring to.


If you have a 2960, and have it factory reset, it should be providing IGMP snooping and filtering multicast traffic by default. One of the reasons why a 2960 often sounds better with Naim streamers.

If you know how to connect to your switch you can confirm the multicast group filtering… this is what I see

My NDX2 is on Fa0/6

Ok, thanks!