Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Indeed no argument at all about the sound being the one and only end game. My reason for being a supporter of the test certificates is that it’s proof of what you’re buying is what it’s claimed to be, and probably most important, the cable does not have a defect.


That’s a gotcha Mike. Couldn’t resist a cheap swipe at the BJC test cert that was printed on somthing that needed calibrating :slight_smile:

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Just yesterday I changed my streaming transport from wired to wireless! It’s a revelation, the veil has been lifted. Shag the cables, set yourself free!


What noise? What are you on about? Where is this noise that folks are talking about? Tinnitus? White noise? Surface noise? what?

That would be taking ‘Cables mania’ to a whole other level.


Are you sure? :wink:

Oh hang on? I can hear some traffic outside.

You will hear the noise of the Wifi antennas like a winter wind :joy::crazy_face:

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Cisco Catalyst WS-C2960CPD-8TT-L

A simple question for you Simon. I have Naim Nova. I want to buy this cisco switch. There is some downside to this model regarding the sound.
I’ll use it as a regular switch and think mostly about the sound improvement. I’m not an expert in networking … don’t want to make the wrong purchase.
Thanks in advance

Your vodka is clearly working well.

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I know.

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Just don’t try the BJC and you’ll be a happy camper. :smiley:

I’ve got BJCs coming and they better be good. They were supposed to be delivered today but didn’t arrive. My first negative experience with them and I haven’t even got them yet.:rofl:

:small_blue_diamond:@Stephen_Tate,…Exactly,.I’ve said that all the time.
• For us at the user-level,.science is irrelevant.

Here,.other skills come up,such as the ability/knowledge to install and optimize a music-system in the room.
This taking into account…
• Acoustics.
• Vibrations.
• Microphonic.
• Dedicated mains, etc,etc…

Yes,.thousands of different things.

And to have so much knowledge about the characteristics of different products,.so that you can match up a good system-installation.

In this area described above,.is my experience that there is,unfortunately a lack of knowledge from many.
Both from private individuals and traders.

To acquiring this knowledge/experience takes decades of listening, testing and trying.
It is nothing you can study,.to be good at.

:small_orange_diamond:But at the Design-level,.science is not irrelevant.
We must have respect for that knowledge,.and they must have respect for our knowledge.

I do not want to emphasize myself,.so I take Darkebear as an example.
Without knowing him,.I am 100% convinced,that he can get any music-system that he installs,to play on a completely different level,.than anyone with great technical science knowledge.

In other words,.we need each other.
But,.unfortunately it is quite common for those with great technical knowledge,to try to “beat us on the fingers” as we say in Sweden.
And that’s boring.

I personally do not understand this debate about test certificates.
If I’m going to buy an amplifier I’ll listen…
Thats that,.case closed :wink:.

Finishing by inserting a picture on the wall-outlet,.and the plug that I reviewed earlier.
The cheap plug on the image,.was replaced by it on the bottom image.


They are out of production. Tiberio advertisings made too many sales :crazy_face::partying_face:


FR do you know anything about this elusive noise? When i used to play cassettes I could hear a hiss. When I played records I could hear surface noise, Snap, Crackle and POP. When I played CDs I could hear the odd skip here and there. When listen DAB radio with a weak signal I can hear noise. With a good streaming system I hear no noise at all. Absolutely zilch. Totally silent background. the best I have ever experienced.


What’s not to like, superior sounding cables for a fraction of the cost. I think it’s telling of the marketing campaigns that two of the top posters in this thread and critics of BJC haven’t even listened to music using a BJC cable. :innocent:

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For me it’s nonsense. But I prefer not to continue debating on it, it became tiring for me. Sorry.

ElMarko, please, some humor and distance sometimes. Do you read the posts or just react sometimes ? I wrote that I just bought the BJ and will test them. However 80 posts on it by Tiberio give me the desire for some humor.

Thank you for confirming my statement, yes, there is lots of humor in this thread, esp critiques of BJC by people who’ve never used them.