Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

The noise on my PoE 2960 I returned was physical noise - it audibly buzzed. It sounded great.

The replacement had no PoE and was audibly quiet so was what I wanted. It possibly sounded a bit better too - but a small change I think.

…back to the madness…:laughing:


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My 2960L-16 which is a poE model is perfectly quiet. But then again it’s a Nov. 2017 build. And it lives in a closet with the fan noise from my NUC Roon covering up any sound it may make. :wink:

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I have no knowledge about the different cisco models, just reported two feedbacks from members. For myself I found that a new white and more recent model sounded better vs a blue refurbished one I had.
But can’t make no generalizations.

Next bit of madness on the agenda is what power cable to use on the Cisco switch. I’m using an AV Options Tibia Plus. No idea what it’s doing sound wise, but I had an extra and I can sleep better at night. :roll_eyes::laughing:

Has anyone tried a separate power supply for their switch with a dedicated mains supply from a separate power line from the transformer in the street?

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Do you mean by hearing people on a CB/VHF radio in the back ground spoiling the quiet passages in the music?

Yes they were PoE source switches, not PD PoE powered devices as described by the poster. These PD switches are the best to use with audio in my opinion but you do need a separate DC powersupply or PoE powering via the uplink port.
PoE is simply a group of protocols… a switch can be a power source, powered device or both. The 2960 PD devices are fantastic as they have no AC power supply and therefore very low noise, and nothing much to buzz and tend to be light weight. You can cut down on mains lead clutter.

DarkeBear from memory had a power source model, ie it plugged in the mains and provided power to attached PD type devices. That is quite different to what the poster described.

I have used both variants, both were audibly quiet, but my PoE PD device was best for audio on my old streamer.

That’s why I have always recommended 2960 PD devices if you can… but remember these can’t connect to the mains.

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Hi Simon,

Thanks for that. Just to make sure I have understood: with the Cisco Catalyst WS-C2960CPD-8TT-L one would have to buy a separate Cisco power supply (assuming one does not want the potential noise of POE) or a power supply from a third party (maybe a linear power supply). Is that correct?

Michael, yes with Compact Powered Device model (CPD) you would need a separate 48 volt 300 mA powersupply if not powering via PoE.
There is no especially added noise from PoE, it is often used where a larger mains AC supply is in appropriate. I prefer as it cuts down on potentially electrically noisy mains SMPS and main leads, all positive for audio. PoE uses DC voltages via the Ethernet lead.

Darkebear had a PoE power source device with what sounded like a faulty mains powersupply that buzzed. That is quite a separate matter.

:small_blue_diamond:Interesting and concrete advice from Simon above,.this with powersupply is always important

This image and text below,.I have inserted earlier in the thread (post 433).
This external powersupply that my friend has constructed,.contributes to a very big difference to the better in soundquality.

So,.for those of you who do not have this knowledge,or the opportunity,so is Simon’s advice very relevant.


Thanks. Is there no noise/interference from the DC supply in the ethernet cables and related circuitry?

Also do you know what PS input the CPD model uses?

No, not necessarily - general electro-magnetic interference


:small_blue_diamond:@charlesphoto,…This below I added in as Post 196,.there was no one who took up the thread then.

Now that we are on 1700 posts,.then maybe it is mode to exchange some information on different powercables to these Cisco’s,.or to any other switch.
But what I understood from this long thread,.most seem to have a Cisco,this is you guilty of @Simon-in-Suffolk :+1:t2::grin:.


Do you or your chums use particular power cables with the Cisco?

:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,…When I bought my Cisco 2960 three years ago,.I started with a standard powercable.

After a few months I put a Chord C-Power that I had in my Cisco,.it was a little better,not so much difference…but a little better.

Two years later I put this cable below on my Cisco…

[quote=“Peder, post:196, topic:4385”]

• Jorma Design Duality with Oyaide P/C 004 connectors.

Now things happened,.the soundquality was increased on all parameters…the musical flow,timing and dynamic was clearly better.

Two months ago I listen to this powercable…

• Acoustic Revive with Acrolink P/C connectors.

It didn’t become good,.the soundquality had no feeling and the musical flow was broken.

I also tried this cable in my Cisco…

• Entreq Challenger SII with Furutech FI-E50 NCF connectors.

That cable raised the musical parameters an additional level in relation to the Jorma Design Duality cable.
But it also costs in Sweden £ 2885:-, so it’s maybe a little too much to have in a Cisco 2960.
But it was really good :stuck_out_tongue:.


:small_blue_diamond:Here are some other pictures of powercables that we tried in a Cisco,.some have I posted earlier.
But thought,.that then we have them in the same place.

• Oyaide M1/F1 connector with Oyaide-cable.

• TimePortal,.to the left their best,and to the right their next best.

From the left…
• Oyaide 004 connector,.Acoustic Revive cable.
• Oyaide F1 connector,.Jorma Duality cable.
• AcroLink connector,.Acoustic Revive cable.

• Entreq Challenger SII,.their next best cable.

• Entreq Atlantis,.their best cable.
• Entreq Challenger S1,.their third best cable,in the top right corner of the picture.

All these powercables provide different musical presentation.
The only cable we didn’t like,.along with this Cisco was the AcroLink with Acoustic Revive cable.
The soundquality was perceived a bit cracked, the musical flow did not really get together…If you understand what I mean.

The other cables together with this Cisco,.I can comment later on.


There is a thin line between a gentle hobby and an obsession. I wonder if it’s been crossed. Actually, I don’t think I need to wonder.



Yes Mike, I have. I initially used a Netgear 108 which I subsequently plugged into an available separate dedicated spur before improving it further with in iFi power supply. Replacing the stock power supply with the iFi was particularly worthwhile and lead me to delay trying out a Cisco 2969, which I’d bought some time ago, for no other reason than things were sounding so good. But yes, the Cisco was better still - again I’m powering it off the dedicated spur - and it also liked, rather unexpectedly, the mains lead that came with the Melco I was using but not so much a Powerline, which made things a bit shouty.

If you can, try it out.

I did that comparison a while ago. If I don’t remember wrong I also posted my response. I found the same as you. No noticeable difference.


I will do the comparison but will take few days. I need to warm them up the AQs first. I have AQ Forest, AQ Cinnamoon, Melco, Chord Epic and the Vertere. I could not find (take out) a really cheap Ethernet cable.

I did a very brief listening yesterday afternoon between the last three. I felt the Vertere sounded best. Thereafter the Epic. But just a few tracks. I connected all 3 to the Cisco and then just switched on the ND 555 side.

The strange thing was that when I went back to normal meaning Epic to Cisco and Vertere to the ND 555 my first reaction was that that sounded better than just the Vertere from Cisco to the ND. Just an impression.

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My only comment to two posts just above is…

:small_blue_diamond:It is well a good guideline to live by,.or how…



Peder with all the improvements to your hifi it must be like being in the mind of the artist as they were creating the music.
