Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Keep in mid I’m one of the few here (if only) using a Sonore opticalModule fiber bridge post Cisco, pre-streamer, so not sure how much influence a power cable on the Cisco would have.


If you have access to any of the (very) old forum, have a look at the thread on Mana Acoustics, makes this look like a polite village tea party.

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Ah ok. I didn’t know there was a difference. Thanks

Thanks Gunnar.
When you say Chord Epic - is that the Chord Epic Tuned Aray streaming cable?
Is that the most costly of the bunch that you have?
And in the quote above, is normal for you to have Chord Epic from Cisco to Melco box then Vertere to ND555??

thanks Peder
I replaced my standard power lead on my Cisco and am now using a 15 year old Naim cable from my 150x power amp, but didn’t notice any difference when I made the swop.

I wonder whether just using PoE instead of the internal PSU of the Cisco would sound better? (and would clearly be a whole lot ess expensive).

Yes it is the Tuned Array . The Vertere is more expensive. I guess around 1500 euro. Yes, correct understood. First the Epic and between the Melco and ND 555 the Vertere. Before the Cisco I have a 20 m long Supra going to a Netgear router.

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Ok folks, these have arrived :sunglasses:


Did you select Cat-6A for any specific reason Stephen ??

:small_blue_diamond:@Camlan,…Thanks,.I understand what you mean :smile:.

This is an international forum,.not an English private-club for a few.
So,.it is hifi and music-interested from all over the world who reads this.

Thats what I think of when I share my experience,.they are important to me.
That some from England,.for it is unfortunately always from England,who tries to be sardonic,sarcastic and have fun at my expense.

Yes,.I don’t care,.if they choose to embarrass themselves in front of thousands of others on this forum.
We are perhaps between 20-30 who writes continuously,.but it is probably thousands of members,and non members who read this forum.

However,.it is still sad to get that response,when you take off your time to put in pictures,.share experience and information that others may use.

For that is what we have this forum for,.to share knowledge,experience and information with each other.
It’s surely not for being sarcastic,.sardonic etc.

Because,.if you don’t have English as your native language,it takes a little longer to create such a post about Powercables.
If I think about it,.so with this response,it may be better to share this knowledge,.experience with my Swedish forum-friends instead.

:small_orange_diamond:But Camlan,…I have a Mana Acoustic-rack for my Headphone-system,.and I love it :stuck_out_tongue:.



That one is not for me Mike, it’s for my son. The other three are mine - 3 X 2 metre Cat6a. I have to say, although it’s early days, I’m very underwhelmed. Hopefully things will open up in time. They have been in for about half hour. The mid-range has gone.

I was looking at them all, all I can see is Cat-6A
Whatever, happy listening

Looking at them again, yes they’re all Cat6a. I must of ordered by mistake. I can’t see things like that without a magnifying glass. I wanted Cat6. Oh well…I’m listening to them and they’re getting better…

The soundstage is nice and wide…the bass is nowhere near as good, woolly by comparison.

:small_blue_diamond:@Stephen_Tate,…Do you mean you have to listen,.is it not just to read the Test-certificate that comes with :grin:.
Just had to joke a bit :wink:.


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It’s unfair of me to describe them in their new state, but so far it’s flat & dull, like generic ones…my partner thinks it sounds exactly the same…:rofl:

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:small_blue_diamond:@Stephen_Tate,…It can get better,.it wont happen a lot of the first few days.


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BJC recommended cat 6 to me and they worked out quite nice. I’m curious if folks have tried both and noted differences? It turns out data cables were the missing link for me. The music is balanced, dynamic, textured, loads of detailed bass, no longer harsh, and just sounds right. I’m very happy with my Ovators now. It has me wondering if my AQ cables were defective. I’m so glad I did this experiment.


know, I’m only joking…here they’re in action :sunglasses:
Are they anywhere as good as my AQ? - nowhere near. My partner and I have already concluded - boring. This was not the case when AQ Vodka was first plugged in. All the fireworks have gone.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I don’t think you should take things quite so seriously.

In the U.K. a lot of debate and indeed humour is based on irony which sometimes the citizens of these Islands forget is lost on others particularly our friends abroad.

To be honest, I’ve not seen much said that would give me pause. As I said the Mana thread was ‘blood on the carpet’ compared to this.

You are obviously extremely passionate about what you are trying to achieve and if others have an issue with that then it is perhaps their problem not yours.

Can’t say I would go to the extent you and your friends have but then again my cynicism is based on memories of Peter Belt (if you don’t know, look it up) as I suspect is the case with others on here.

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My 2 BJC Cat6a cables (from router to Cisco then into the 272) were noticably better from the moment they went in. And they continued to make the music sound clearer and cleaner for some time afterwards.

But they were replacing a very cheap and a free cable, Cat 5e.

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Thanks Jim, that’s good to know. In this instance it’s an instant drop in all round performance. All I want to do now is talk rather than listen to music.