Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

In Sweden they will have listened to them first. :wink:


:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,@Beachcomber,ā€¦I have written about this before.

@Guinnless,.Yes,.we do,see below.

Naim is in control of this,.and what I understand they has fixed internal cables,.but if Iā€™m going to take a concrete example.

ā€¢ At Linnā€™s cables,.the signal should Always goā€¦ Towards the text on the cableā€¦Not with the text.

This applies both internally and externally when it comes to Linn.
And,.for example,on Linnā€™s products goes the internal-cables to turn.
Linn does not prioritize this,.so about 50% of the internal wires are incorrectly reversed,if we talk about prioritizing for soundquality.

This was discovered by Swedenā€™s largest Linn-trader High Fidelityā€¦many,many years ago.
High Fidelity controls this with the internal-wires on all Linn products,.before they are handed out to the customer.

:red_circle: But important,.if you lack knowledge,let your traders do this work.

Ps: If your trader dismisses this,.then he is not enough knowledgeableā€¦Change traders.


Just put data on a usb stick and plug it directly into player???

Xanthe the connectors on my BJC are all clear ā€˜see throughā€™ plastic connectors. Iā€™ve ordered Cat6a by mistake, I wanted Cat6. My eyes are really bad on a computer, even with specs on i can find it quite frustrating seeing text clearly.

Anyway Iā€™m going to persevere and hear what happensā€¦

I ordered cat 6a BJ . Should I had ordered cat 6 ? Is there differences for sound ?

:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,ā€¦Ask TiberioMagadino,.he should be able to give concrete advice on this.

Heā€™s BJCā€™s best marketer :joy:.



I donā€™t really know FR. When I read through the thread, some folks are using Cat6a and others Cat6, which ones are better is anyoneā€™s guess? The more knowledgeable folks here seem to prefer Cat6.

Iā€™m just going to leave mine in now and hear what happens over the coming weeks. I am now starting to agree with HH in that the sound is more natural and less emphasised. Whether this is a good thing or not, only time will tell.

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Cat6a can be shielded. If you are using a Naim Streamer/Cisco switch then you will have a ground loop if the shield is connected at both ends.

Iā€™m no engineer - thank heavens! - but as I understand it the BJC 6a has a floating shield so cannot cause grounding issues. I use 6a from modem to router, while all the others are 6, based on information Iā€™ve gleaned here. People say that the 6 sounds better and that 6a is better for ā€˜network infrastructureā€™ so thatā€™s what Iā€™ve sort of done.

It will be tested between melco and nds. But run in before between router and Cisco.

Honestly - have you really tested this and come to the conclusion that you can hear a difference with ethernet cable directionality?

I tend to connect my cables according to the direction of the arrows just because itā€™s easy to do - but I have no evidence whatsoever that it makes a difference. I side with BJC on this one. Iā€™ve never detected a sound quality difference of any sort between ethernet cables in my systems, but maybe Iā€™ll get hold of a couple of BJC cables & see what happens. I really canā€™t quite believe I am saying this!

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When my BJC cables arrived I simply plugged them in and didnā€™t even think about directionality. Maybe Iā€™ve committed a fatal error and my music is ruined.

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What would be evident with a ground loop. The current cable I am testing is a cat6a and it does have metal plugs no idea if its flaoting ground or not.

@Hmackā€¦About direction

:small_blue_diamond:This we have already talked about,.test for yourself,but do it under controlled forms.
Iā€™ve written a point-list,.about what to think about further back in the thread.

:small_blue_diamond:This guy @Music_Lover in the quoted posts above,.definitely knows what heā€™s talking about,when it comes to the direction of ethernet/streaming cables.
Yes,.I know him and know his skills.


Cum on Feel the Noyze!

No one knowsā€¦ yet. I should be able to post an opinion or two soon (for a change) :wink:


I like noise injected in my audio system. I just bought this mechanical power generator :grin:

I got guilty and plugged then Cat6a in after answer your post. An hour on and they are sounding very good already. I may well prefer them to the BJC Cat6 and even possibly the DesignaCable Cat5e CatSnake in [proviso alert] my systemā€¦

So you may well have made the right choice for yours! How you find versus your AQ cables is another matterā€¦ As you know, I did not have a very high opinion of the Vodkas in my system.

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I think that it damages the equipment that itā€™s attached to.

How so?