Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

A bit of a rebel you are, now straighten up and get back in line.

Hi Michaelb,

Do you mean here that you have now plugged in BJC Car6a and finding it really good, even only after a short time? Also, is this the full loom?

Do you think it might damage the 272, or is the whole system irretrievably doomed? I also have one on the kitchen Qb so maybe thatā€™s broken too. Oh dear.

Better unplug it quickly before the whole house gets broken!
If you leave it too long, the breakage might work its way out and even extend to your car, then you wonā€™t be able to get to Salisbury tomorrow morning!


Good idea maybe rhodium contacts and silver traces to the specially selected high speed memory chipā€¦omg ā€¦ :flushed:

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My conversation with BJC was regarding speaker cablesā€¦ not ethernet.

I think you are in good company on this thread :laughing:


I think I ā€˜sort ofā€™ might be understanding what you mean now. Thanks

I think that you may have to replace all your kit. Probably best just go for a full Statement setup. You know it makes sense.

Well, all the electrons will have been travelling the wrong way, and gumming up the works. Very difficult task to clean them all out properly.

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Ah yes now I see. Maybe we should use a giant magent to reverse the direction of these electrons. Surely thats what they do in the factory to ensure the flow the right way.

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Iā€™m not going. Since wiring up the stereo the wrong way round the car only goes backwards.


Just plugged in the main long cable from switch to ND555. There are the usual new cable problems, but it is sounding very promising, though itā€™s a bit early to be in any way sure. Do have the other bits but workā€™s mad at the moment so not had the time to play with the rest.

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Mine have definitely improved since first plugging them in yesterday. If they keep on heading in this positive direction (sorry I couldnā€™t help myself), then Iā€™m sure to be a very happy listener indeed. Another thing I have noticed is that Iā€™m hearing a more of a harmonic structure in the sound as well as more delicacy & subtlety, if that makes any senseā€¦


And involvement ?

Yes, the involvement is all there too. Iā€™m quite surprised to be fair. My AQ cables are now back in their boxes ready for there new owners and this is only after one day with the new cables.


There is a lesson here! Take your time. Only yesterday they were condemned!! And in a week the sound will be better still.


Well; what I really meant is that my older cables are back in their boxes ready to be passed on if things continue to impressā€¦I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard Fleetwood Mac sound so clear and precise.


Do you know where I can find a better sounding streamer than nd555 for 15 times cheaper price? A blue jeans streamer would be cool.:grin:

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Donā€™t forget to connect back the vodka in a few days, to be really sure.