Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

Those lemonade soda streamers might just be the ticket…nice bubbly sound, infectious, relatively cheap. Just add a QB2?
Just kidding FR😉


Hi FR,
are you only going for one cable or the full loom?

I have one sat awaiting the return of my Audiophilleo, as I already use the Starlight USB.

Will replace a Miecord.

In the Audiophilleo front I am swapping to a Audiophilleo 1 MK SE which gives the virtual cable option to shape the noise instead of messing with cables :roll_eyes:

:small_blue_diamond:Stephen_Tate,…It was fortunate that I told you to put them into the system again,.you were a bit annoyed that they sounded so bad :wink:.

It will be interesting to follow your journey during this test.

For me,.in my music-system,BJC ended up far behind…See the list below.
This also for some others,.but one should always test in their own system.

I’d like to say it’s a good budget-cable,.but that there are significantly better ethernet/streaming cables on the market.

:small_orange_diamond:I have a tip for @BertBird and @Nick.Lees, see the next post.


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Only one

I bought 2 of the BJC CAT6a first. Then added two of the BJC Cat6 after hearing they may be better. Tried both for a week from 2960 to NAS and 2960 to 272. The CAT6A worked better in my set-up. Less time smear and better PRAT.


:small_blue_diamond:@nicnaim,…Interestingly,.as several here seem to prefer BJC Cat6.

What had you previously for cables.?


I did an extensive test on four cables now with a friend and will write more extensive about it. It was a lot of fun and revealing nicely what’s different between the cables. Will write an extensive report in the coming days. And lifting one tip, the Chord Music was tested best…


Just imagine the number of permutations there are in cable directions on some of your systems. You’ll never which out which combination sounds best :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::shushing_face:

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:small_blue_diamond:@Mike_S,…There is no problem,.you start at the source (always),and go towards the speakers.

Flip on the cables that can be turned on,.and listen to the right direction.
The really serious,.also listens for the right direction of the cable they should use to their dedicated mains.

It’s simple,.make a powercable of a piece of 2m from the cable you are going to use for your dedicated mains,.flip the direction of it and listen which direction sounds best.
Then you use that knowledge of the cable-direction,.when you installing your dedicated mains…Simple,.or how.!

Ps: Now everyone thinks,.as already installed dedicated mains.
Why didn’t I do this :wink::grin:.


Which BJC, Peder? If it was only the Cat5e then maybe…

I think Nicnaim was one of the first to compare. I initially went for just 5 and 6. BJC tend to advise against 6a in domestic settings and seem to believe all their Ethernet cables sound the same. It’s still a little early to be sure, but I suspect I too will prefer the 6a in my system.


Is it beating the CatSnake or too early to tell. I just put my CatSnake 5e into my Nividia Shield TV box to run in before using it.

Too early to tell, but it is a possibility I’ll give it a few more days then pop the CatSnake back in. Will also compare vs BJC Cat6 and Supra Cat8 (mainly to verify the strange recessed sound of the latter). Will write up a quick summary of my mad experiments when it’s all clear (and these four massive work projects are finished).

This morning it is becoming much easier to tell. It really does sound exceptionally good in my system.

Who prefers BJC Cat6 to BJC Cat6a after having compared both in their own system?

:small_blue_diamond:@JimDog,@Michaelb,…I expressed myself wrong in English,.what I meant was that more seem to have bought BJC Cat6 than Cat6a.

Now it was right,.sometimes you write too fast :wink:.


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Some BJC cat 6 cables coming today (next day service here in Seattle). Will try replacing the Cinnamon to my UQ in the office, a Cinnamon from Cisco to Roon NUC, and Melcord from Cisco to opticalModule. Not going to touch my Ghent Belden JSSG360 that goes from the last opticlamodule to microRendu streamer. Also picked up 27’ feet of coaxial to replace the 50’ plus of cheap Direct TV coaxial to the cable modem - don’t expect any sound change, just cosmetic, but who knows.

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:small_blue_diamond:@Michaelb,…It was BJC Cat6,.who was fighting against Supra and Chord C-stream.

All the others listed was better in my system.

But it can work so differently in different systems,.and in different environments,depending on the room’s/music-systems infrastructure.

:small_orange_diamond:He who wrote this below,.is probably Sweden’s most experienced when it comes to testing ethernet/streaming cables in music-systems.
He has done this with ethernet/streaming-cables since 2007,.and is part of our “group”.

He uses the Tune-Dem installation-method,.which prioritizes the Musicality,the musical-message.
But the aspect,if it is also good sound,.is of course,also in the evaluation.

“Chord Signature 1m £705:-,.was inferior to… Chord C-stream 1.5m £50:-.
But Chord Epic 1m £440:-,.was the best of all Chord.!!!
Chord Music…No,.ask the guy to test the Chord Epic instead”

This above,.he wrote to me yesterday.
He has had both Linn’s and Naim’s previous top-level system…Active.
His system today is…
• Linn Klimax DS/Katalyst.
• Lejonklou Pre,.top-version two boxes.
• Lejonklou Mono-block,.top-version.

Everything are on the Swedish hifi-rack Harmony,.that is in the same price-level as Naim Fraim.
It took a year for him to install and optimize his system,.as you see in the picture,and he is very knowledgeable.


But I’ve said it before,.it takes that time,at least, to think about all the parameters for an optimal result.
The keyword is to hurry slowly.

This result above is in his system,.but still quite interesting to take note of.
But he has come up with an even more astonishing result,.but I will return to it after an Espresso :smile:.

And yes,.he’s here on the Forum,and has made some posts that nobody seems to have taken notice of.


Starlight arrived today. Will put it through its paces.