Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

I have only used BJC cat 6 in my system but will get some 6a next time I order just to experiment.

I will say that my modest QNAP(Asset/Minim)/SU/Ovator 400 system sound better than it ever has now with the BJC.

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Hi Again Michaelb,

Is this with BJC Cat 6a?

What are you using JimDog?

Iā€™m trying to console myself in that BJC have sent me Cat 6a instead of 6. Looks like I might of saved a bit of money in the process, but it could also be that they had run out of the good stuff because of high demand, so then sent me the next best thing. It could also of been human error (more likely).

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A question for AQ Diamond owners, what is the electronic part on the cable for? With a button and light???

I had the AQ Cinnamon and Forest. Very glad I switched as I can now listen to the streamer for more than a few songs.


It was pure luck. I was expressing my dissapointment in my streaming set up and a replier mentioned the AQ Forest was awful so I took a flyer on the BJCā€™s. Not knowing much I just bought the most expensive ones which were the Cat6a. I later read that the cat6 were better for music so I bought two of those. In the end I much preferred the Cat6a in my set-up.

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Yes it is. But itā€™s not be all positive yet. Thereā€™s some treble sheen and midrange smear that may just be a burn symptom, or may notā€¦ And bass is not yet as extended as the CatSnake, but not bad.

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DBS system, for noise dissipation.

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Given BJC comments about the shielding being floating in the 6a I wonder whatā€™s going on to give the listener an audible difference to the 6.

I will receive my BJ cat 6a 3 foot in one week. If it betters the vodka or the diamond, I stay curious.

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One obvious possibility is that the shielding cuts down on the amount of EM noise entering the cable via walls, floors and emissions from connected equipment and all the other other cables it passes in the very noisy EM fields that such cables often inhabit (e.g. at the back of a rack).

If this is less than the EM noise that gets trapped in by the shield (which it may often be) then it could result in greater clarity or other SQ improvements that have been noted when using the BJC 6a (e.g. in my system).

Hi Stephen - see above post.

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:small_blue_diamond:emrei,ā€¦I see that @frenchrooster has already responded,.but here comes a picture.

This should be an updated version on the image of this DBS-system.
Anyone here who knows a little more about this.?



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In my conversations with BJC they indicated that amount of noise should be negligible in a home system. My cables are hanging freely b/w QNAP, 2960, and switch. No power chords near by, only the SU ps. They indicate the 6a is more suited for commercial applications where there are loads of wires and ps and other sources of interference. But perhaps the shielding itself is creating some signature of its own? Iā€™ll do some testing for sure.

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:small_blue_diamond:@nicnaim,ā€¦Thanks :smiley:,.I donā€™t want to make anyone sad,.but Audioquest ehternet/streaming cables below the Vodka-level,I donā€™t think is so special.

But,.everything matters,Darkebearā€™s adventure with his AQ Vodka is a good read,on how to install their Ethernet/streaming-cables.
I have also written about it earlier in the thread.


This is why my trust level in any of these boutique cables is very low. At the prices they charge even for ebtry level I would expect better.

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This is interesting information. But as we know BJCā€™s approach to cables is to hit the numbers in the spec criteria.
Does anyone at BJC also spend work time testing their cables in hifi systems? I doubt it.
And we know that some BJC senior staff openly deny that an ethernet cable could possibly effect SQ by changing its direction.
But we have many examples on this forum of members experiencing that.
So I think we need to take BJCā€™s own views on how their cables influence hifi systems SQ with a pinch of salt, and pay more heed on that question to the actual results of cable tests that people have done.
Good luck with your tests!


:small_blue_diamond:@frenchrooster,ā€¦Not in any system yet in our group,.but as usual,the installation is important.

If you read the Darkebear adventure with his AQ Vodka,.then you know what that cable needs to perform at its peak.
This applies to AQ Diamond.and all other cables as well.

But,.in my system is BJC good,but AQ Vodka is betterā€¦And AQ Diamond is in another league. Simply as that.

:small_orange_diamond:But strange that nobody has written about how they installed their BJC.
But above all,.what direction they have on the cable.
It would be an interesting advice,.to the others here who are testing their BJC.


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I took it out of the packet and plugged it in the etehrnet port of my streamer and the other end into my switch, it worked it sounded great. Is that enough for you.

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3x6a ā€˜signalā€™ directional with text.


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