Euro 2024

Come on, you sons of Caledonia, we can still win this! :joy: :scotland:


My twin in Germany is watching with all my German nephews and niece. She asked me this afternoon if I’d be watching and I replied.

‘Nah. Scotland are such a 3rd division boys club team, it’s just rubbish. You’ll slaughter us.’

The hours of ridiculous build-up on the news is total fantasy land.

And so it has come to pass. Total humiliation.


Good to see Can playing live in Germany again


Thing is, I still don’t know if Germany are back to being any good or not.

I mean, in this house, tonight, they’re terrific obvs. But are they though?


I agree Jamie. They haven’t been anything special to be honest. Worked hard with their press, have skillful players and players who can put it in the back of the net. But, nothing scary.

It’s just that Scotland, bless them, are not n the same league. Neither players or coach.

Well that’s improved our goal difference no end … … … come on you Jocks! :scotland:

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Brilliant - 4 German passes to score for Scotland!

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5-4 to Scotland

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We wuz robbed. Obviously.

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Five lucky goals for Shermany, (well, six, if you include ours), where’s the justice? :man_shrugging:

Oh well, no Scotland, no party, until Wednesday, when we are going to absolutely batter the Swiss. :wink:


Roy Keane has nailed it



I think the Scots will have to go for the nuclear option vs. The Swiss.


How dare you say that about Clarke’s Celtic Old Boys………:joy::wink:

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I see the bookies have England favourites.

Is this a function of the weight of misguided betting?

We seem to have been going through this every couple of years for the last 58 years.

Or have I just got out of bed on the wrong side?

The majority of the pundits I’ve read are going for a France v Portugal final with France winning

I thought Germany were favourites.

I’m not sure they are and despite the final score last night, I wasn’t overly convinced by their performance

Not really as they have had quite ‘bad form’ in recent years.
However, they have started to gel as a team very recently and do have some very talented players which of course makes them dangerous.
Time will tell.
Great start to the tournament though. (Sorry Scotland :scotland: fans)
Great to see them :scotland: enjoying Germany :de: hospitality and beer :beer: :joy:

Some great matches today. Hopefully!

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