F1 - 2023 Season

Lando was having an interview when it happened in one part of the track and he set them straight.

I think that’s about to happen, as de Vries has been fired.
No successor announced yet, but he’s the most likely candidate AFAICT.

De Vries has his whole career always shown to need more than a season to get up to speed fully (and fight for the championships he’s won), so while I understand that time is not something you get in F1, I wonder why they took him on board with that knowledge? I guess they thought that this time it would be different.

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Now confirmed, Ricciardo is in.

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Wow ok! I thought it was fake news from joke F1 sites and now I see it is official.

The thing is, I think, that de Vries was hired on his performance last year when he did so well and then nothing came of it. Perhaps if that did not happen he would have had time, but I don’t think he would have been in Alpha Tauri then.

I like it.

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DR to RB 2024 speculation begins now…

Ugh, Will Buxton. Without him Drive to Survive would be quite watchable.

Another example of creating lots of sensation where there isn’t any.

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There you go Pete. At least it is a drive.

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Alpha Tauri dumps De Vries but keeps Tsunoda? :thinking:

De Vries gets less than half a season, but Tsunoda is in his 3rd year of doing nothing.


Honda engines. I’m sure you can work out the rest.:wink:


They must have been hoping for a second Max Verstappen. :roll_eyes:

Well I’m glad Danny’s back however these things always happen unfortunately at the expense of someone else.

It’ll be interesting to see how he goes and I’m sure the sponsors will be loving the extra attention.

I think Danny being back will give RB a gauge about how fast Tsunoda is.
Personally, I would like Danny to do well, get promoted and then beat Max to next year’s championship. Unlikely I know but an excellent in-team fight by the dominant team does make a season more exciting and enjoyable.


Danny and Max have a history on the track but oddly enough they’re friends off it. Think Max was instrumental in bringing him back to RB.

I don’t see it as odd. I see it as them being professional sportspeople who are able to separate the person from what happens on track.

Me too. After seeing McLaren have gone from zero to hero, I would like to see both of them to do good. Yuki has been trying to get the best out of it. They need better cars!

Read steve parrish biography. He was mate of Barry Sheen.
Crazy guy. I cannot put it down

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Nice guy Barry, I saw him several times when he resided in Charlwood during the early 80s. He also used his helicopter at lot. But being just off the end of Gatwick’s runway he needed to keep the local ATC sweet. He was a regular visitor to the control tower - as you could in those days without much fuss.
If I remember, Steve had a regular column in MCN. I will look out for the bio. Thanks for the tip.

u can pick it up from amazon. he writes Barry would do an advert for texaco oil
and the later an advert for after shave.

Barry used to phone my wife on a regular basis.

Was I jealous?

Not at all. She was the clerk handling his home insurance at his insurance company. She said he was charming & never tried to be the big I am.

Mind, I was glad they never met in person…